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Nurbs' Bloodworm Soup

bloodworm soup hikari

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#1 Offline nurbs - Posted September 19 2018 - 11:56 AM


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Fellow antkeepers. Got secret sauce tip for you.


Discovered this late last year, while trying to find an alternative to the you-just-can't-lose wingless fruit flies. But it is time to share! Just don't go on Amazon and buy them all. Talkin to you, Soul  ;)


I've experimented with all manner of freeze dried insects - and generally, most ants do not like them. Same with bloodworms.


But late last year, decided to try out this Hikari bloodworm brand. 





What a difference. The ants love it. But you must add water! By itself, the worms are a wash. Ha. See what I did there?


Add bottled water. Let it soak for 10 minutes to make a soupy mixture. They won't automatically take to it, but once the water dries a little, the workers will start grabbing the worms and stick them to their brood.


I've tried this with dozens of species, and they all eat it up. Very easy to feed and clean. The Hikari brand has a subtle scent, but it's not a bad odor like the other freeze dried bloodworms. Their freezing process apparently keeps the worms quite fresh.




















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#2 Offline soulsynapse - Posted September 19 2018 - 12:26 PM


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You're never gonna let me live that down huh  :lol:  dehydrated blood worms are in any pet store, too!


I've been feeding freeze dried bloodworms for a while as well. As we talked about in the discord, fish flakes work well too. For others reading, you want high shrimp content fish flakes (typically red)


Recap of convo in discord: My Camponotus only sometimes take to the brand I use, but I haven't done proper souping, I just minimally rehydrate them and put them on a feeder dish. Nurbs has tested several brands and Hikari brand works best for him, and all his camponotus take to it easily.


We need to spread this information far and wide!!  :D  it solves a SIGNIFICANT problem in the hobby - having to keep feeder insects.


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#3 Offline nurbs - Posted September 19 2018 - 12:31 PM


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We need to spread this information far and wide!!  :D  it solves a SIGNIFICANT problem in the hobby - having to keep feeder insects.





^^^ Yes, this. Especially when you have hundreds of colonies to feed.

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#4 Offline DaveJay - Posted September 19 2018 - 8:13 PM


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When I received my first ants frozen bloodworms were the first thing that occurred to me, frozen, not freeze dried. For the first couple of weeks they really went crazy for it, emptying bowls in a day or two. The frozen stuff thaws to be worm fragments and bloody water, so they can eat in or take away. I had them for my fish of course but occasionally I'll feed them to the lizards too, they like them. You can also feed them to carnivorous plants. I've yet to try frozen brine shrimp but I think they'll like it as a treat. I've always found (years ago) that rehydrated dried foods go bad more quickly than the frozen form.
Dehydrated might be better to accumulate a wider variety of insects though.
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#5 Offline dspdrew - Posted September 19 2018 - 9:12 PM

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I'll have to try that. How do they taste?

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#6 Offline CamponotusLover - Posted September 19 2018 - 9:26 PM


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Well I know what my money is going to soon. Thanks for this! I hope my ants love it!

#7 Offline DaveJay - Posted September 20 2018 - 12:10 AM


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I'll have to try that. How do they taste?

If the smell is anything to go by - DELICIOUS! :P
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#8 Offline nurbs - Posted September 24 2018 - 3:10 PM


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If you guys happen try other brands with success or have other related suggestions, please share your experiences for the sake of our little ant keeping commnunity  :)


This re-hydrating method can help bring maintenance down, especially when you have a lot of colonies to feed or don't have to time to breed or deal with live insects. 


I would also not recommend mixing sugars such as hummingbird nectar with this in substitute of water. This should be a protein supplement. Separate carbs/sugars from the proteins, and let the ants decide what to eat.

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#9 Offline CamponotusLover - Posted September 24 2018 - 9:18 PM


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Alright, ordered 1 .42 oz of Hikari Bloodworms, should be arriving in 1-2 days, I'll let you know if I have any success with them.

I will try them with my, Camponotus Nearcticus queen, P. Imparis colony, Crematogaster colony and maybe my Brachamyrmex colony. Thanks again, I hope this works for my ants.
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#10 Offline WestLA_DO - Posted September 25 2018 - 10:47 AM


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Success! Can say it worked for me as well. Thanks nurbs!
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#11 Offline MegaMyrmex - Posted September 26 2018 - 2:23 PM


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Hmm, I’ll have to try this with my frozen bloodworms with my aphenogaster colony. Looks promising though!

Edited by MegaMyrmex, September 26 2018 - 2:23 PM.

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Proverbs 6:6-8 New International Version (NIV)

Go to the ant, you sluggard;
    consider its ways and be wise!
It has no commander,
    no overseer or ruler,
yet it stores its provisions in summer
    and gathers its food at harvest.


#12 Offline DaveJay - Posted September 26 2018 - 6:10 PM


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Hmm, I’ll have to try this with my frozen bloodworms with my aphenogaster colony. Looks promising though!

With frozen bloodworms I've had best results thawing a cube (or chunk depending on brand) in a snaplock bag with a splash of spring water and mushing it up so that the worms break up and aren't as long. Serving in a dish or even a standard feeder/waterer works, so does soaking a cotton tip in the juice and twirling it to pick up worms. Something that may be a factor is it being too cold, you should let it come up to room temperature.
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#13 Offline CamponotusLover - Posted September 28 2018 - 6:21 PM


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It arrived today. I quickly began to make the soup and test if my ants like it. I've given it to my Crematogaster Cerasi and my Prenolepis Imparis.

Prenolepis Imparis immediately went in even though the bit I gave to them was still drenched with water, they drank it all up and took the worm.

Crematogaster were less enthusiastic about it at first and didn't take it. But I am positive this is my fault as I left too much water on it.

But I do thank you and am positive my Crematogaster will accept it. After it came, as I was attempting to place the soup into their nest, I saw that, in a feeding dish with honey, a worker had drowned, this doesn't usually happen but clearly another reason why bloodworms will be a perfect common food substitute.

Thank you.
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#14 Offline Broncos - Posted March 30 2020 - 7:48 PM


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Wow this stuff is great. I served it to my novomessor cockorelli colony and Formica Francoeuri colony. Both of them went crazy for this stuff. Good job and thanks for sharing!


Edited by Broncos, March 30 2020 - 7:55 PM.

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#15 Offline Canadant - Posted March 31 2020 - 4:54 AM


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I'm gonna try this, too. My goal this 3rd season is to differ my foods for all my ants. I want the best for them and I'm sure by varying the food sources more will lead to stronger healthier larger colonies. Thanks for the tip. If the ants don't like it than I'll ship it to a member of the forum and they can try.
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#16 Offline FSTP - Posted March 31 2020 - 6:01 AM


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I like bloodworm soups. I feed it to almost all my ants regularly. The only ants I don't regularly feed it to are my Pogonomyrmex sp. harvester ants. They don't seem to eat it in any siginifigant amount to be worth while. One of two workers with drink it or take some pieces and then the rest just pile jetsam and flotsam on it. 

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#17 Offline OhNoNotAgain - Posted April 1 2020 - 10:10 AM


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I'll try again and make it more bloodworm mush and less bloodworm soup. So far my colonies haven't liked it if it's like soup.

Formiculture Journals::

Veromessor pergandei, andrei; Novomessor cockerelli

Camponotus fragilis; also separate journal: Camponotus sansabeanus (inactive), vicinus, laevigatus/quercicola

Liometopum occidentale;  Prenolepis imparis; Myrmecocystus mexicanus (inactive)

Pogonomyrmex subnitidus and californicus (inactive)

Tetramorium sp.

Termites: Zootermopsis angusticollis


Isopods: A. gestroi, granulatum, kluugi, maculatum, vulgare; C. murina; P. hoffmannseggi, P. haasi, P. ornatus; V. parvus

Spoods: Phidippus sp.

#18 Offline B_rad0806 - Posted April 1 2020 - 10:21 AM


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I personally use this. I would really recommend.

Edited by B_rad0806, April 1 2020 - 10:21 AM.


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#19 Offline Canadant - Posted April 1 2020 - 1:45 PM


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Mine's in the mail! can't wait. Thanks for the tips y'all!
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#20 Offline Canadant - Posted April 3 2020 - 5:20 AM


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Update: I received my bloodworms this morning. Quickly whipped up a batch. My camponotus novaeboracensis took a taste and passed. My tetramorium font seem interested. My formica sp. aren't awake yet but my crematogastor seem to like it. A few exited the nest when I put some down. Mind you my consistency was a little slushy. You need very little water. I mean I put in a small drop into a half teaspoon and still had to add more bloodworms to thicken the consistency. It'll be thicker next time. Give them something to grab onto. Hope they take to it. It's a great idea.

Picky ants. Bah!

Edit: woah crematogastor love it! They're poring out of the nest. They seem so excited - communicating amongst each other.

Edited by Canadant, April 3 2020 - 5:25 AM.

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