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Food Temperature

food feeding protein sugar

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#1 Offline DaveJay - Posted September 10 2018 - 1:14 AM


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I came across this paper, sort of, I read the abstract, which included findings but I haven't found free access to the full paper yet.

"Greenhead ants Rhytidoponera metallica make trade‐offs between food temperature and food concentration
First published: 31 May 2016"
I'll copy and paste the abstract soon, with full credits but in short they found that when given two servings of identical foods at different temperatures these ants will choose a warm serve over a cold one but when the cold serve is 10 times more concentrated than the warm serve they will opt for the more concentrated serve.
It shows a temperature preference, warm food 'costs' less to utilise and may provide energy in the form of physical heat as well as the food value itself.
This might be a factor in whether ants will accept a food or not and perhaps explain in part why a food is rejected despite being accepted eagerly in the past.
Just food for thought, I'll try and find a free link for the whole text, but temperature might be something to consider when offering food, perhaps particularly when offering a new food.
What do you think?
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#2 Offline Boog - Posted July 16 2019 - 10:40 PM


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I made small little grout feeders, around an inch cubed, that I was planning to test. I thought that soaking the grout feeders in hot water for a few minutes before putting my defrosted crickets on them would be a good idea. I just never attempted it yet but have thought that heat would draw them to the meal but was also worried that it would raise the humidity of the out world enough to degrade the fluon barrier. They already find their food no problem so didn't pursue this further yet. This post makes me reconsider my idea.

My Youtube channel: Ants Navajo               Keeping- Camponotus pennsylvanicus, Tapinoma sessile x 2, Pheidole sp x 2
"We may be witnesses to a Biblical prophecy come true - 'And there shall be destruction and darkness come upon creation and the beasts shall reign over the earth.'" - Dr. Harold Medford

#3 Offline ANTdrew - Posted July 17 2019 - 3:17 AM


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Anybody else miss DaveJay? What became of him?
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"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: food, feeding, protein, sugar

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