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TheRealAntMan’s Camponotus Journal

camponotus pennsylvanicus therealantman carpenter ant

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#1 Offline TheRealAntMan - Posted August 3 2018 - 6:33 PM


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Hello guys, this is the journal of my Camponotus Pennsylvanicus that I had caught way back on the 24th of May. Here are some flashback photos to catch you guys up:
Here’s a couple days after capture (these earlier pictures are super bad so please bear with me)


Here are some pics after about two and a half weeks:

Here are pics after about another week:

Here was after another week :

And finally, here was after a week and a half:

Here was them several days ago:


I’ll probably update tomorrow.
  • Karma likes this
An ants' strength can be rivaled by few animals compared to their relative body size


#2 Offline Major - Posted August 4 2018 - 7:53 AM


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Cut off the tip off the mealworm tail, makes it easier for the ants to access. So far this looks like a good journal.

#3 Offline TheRealAntMan - Posted August 4 2018 - 11:44 AM


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Some very sad news to report. Before going to work today, I checked on my C. Pennsylvanicus colony to find my queen actually very strangely. She was moving her legs as if she were trying to shed wings even though she didn’t have any. I would have recorded it but I didn’t want to be late for work. I put honey and superworm guts in the AC portal for her. Coming back today I saw this:


She had died. I’m not sure what had happened yesterday her gaster was very physogastric. She was acting normally, laying eggs as normal and doing nothing else. Not sure what had happened. I hate to have to end this journal so early.
  • Karma likes this
An ants' strength can be rivaled by few animals compared to their relative body size


#4 Offline TheRealAntMan - Posted August 28 2018 - 4:32 PM


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I don’t even know where to begin. There’s about 12 workers and 4 median workers, little larvae, and two remaining cocoons. I’ve tried moving them at least 4 times since the queen died but no luck. The water reservoir is super dirty, I’m surprised they still drink it. They eat normally but they’ve cut down on the protein. Here they are:






Here’s a good picture of the worker castes in the colony:


  • Karma and DaveJay like this
An ants' strength can be rivaled by few animals compared to their relative body size


Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: camponotus pennsylvanicus, therealantman, carpenter ant

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