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Is Olive Oil a Good Ant Barrier?

olive oil vegetable oil ant barrier

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#1 Offline Ender Ants - Posted July 30 2018 - 2:49 PM

Ender Ants

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I've tried using Vaseline as a barrier for my ants, but some of my species walked over it, and put substrate on it, making a huge mess. I'm thinking about using olive oil instead, but it too has its pros and cons based on other people's experiences. I currently don't have any rubbing alcohol, talcum powder/baby powder, or Fluon. Pretty much in a bad situation as I have a few colonies that need it soon. If anyone knows any other barriers I could use, that would be greatly appreciated.


I plan on using olive oil though, if I have no other option. Thanks again for any suggestions or advice.

#2 Offline AntsAreUs - Posted July 30 2018 - 2:56 PM


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It either works well or doesn't work at all. Depends on the type of ant. I know my Camponotus can climb up it no problem but most of my other ants cannot.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: olive oil, vegetable oil, ant barrier

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