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Termite Setups

termite setup keeping

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22 replies to this topic

#21 Offline Nare - Posted June 9 2019 - 9:24 AM


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Yep, gonna resurrect this topic. Since my termite pair is doing pretty well with about 15 eggs, and also since they should be getting their first nymph ANY day now, I wanted to start thinking about some homemade setups for long term use. What if I took a small acrylic outworld 1.5 in by 4 in by 4 in (actually 6 in tall, but this is for the actual nest) and just drilled out some tunnels in a block of wood and shoved it in there. Of course it would have a hydration chamber, and I would put some soil/ other cellulosish items on top. Would this work?

That could probably work. My one concern would be retaining moisture without substrate or a moisture chamber setup.

#22 Offline ponerinecat - Posted June 9 2019 - 9:45 AM


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wild dampwoods here dig oval founding chambers. small dishes for things like contact lenses should recreate that.

#23 Offline CatsnAnts - Posted June 9 2019 - 1:37 PM


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Cool, Thxs for the advice! :D


Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: termite, setup, keeping

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