I caught seven of these queens, alates and dealates along the Cajon pass on 4/18/2015. It was a mild, breezy day and hadn't rained recently so there must have been a random flight. I put them in test tubes where they didn't seem very comfortable, yet at least one dealate already began to lay eggs that night. I moved them to THA mini-hearths and Talus's I had on hand. Some of them I put loose sand in and two of them sealed up their nest. Two of them also accepted honey water. By the second day, all alates have removed their wings and had eggs. I'm keeping one in a test tube. These seem like a relatively low maintenance species so far.
These have been hypothesized as F. francoueri, aerata or moki.

Edited by Foogoo, June 1 2015 - 7:03 PM.