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How to use water gel?

water gel vacation

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#1 Offline skocko76 - Posted July 23 2018 - 7:32 AM


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So, I'm going for a 2 week vacation.

I got some water gel some time back, and I heard it is great for just such occasions.

But, I had some difficulty using it. I put a blob in a feeding tray, and after a while (day or two), the gel hardens.

It becomes dry, just like ant protein gels do. I find it unlikely the ants can get water from it. Or can they?

Was I supposed to put the gel in a test tube? Plug it with cotton?

Anyone knows?

Edited by skocko76, July 23 2018 - 7:32 AM.

#2 Offline drtrmiller - Posted July 23 2018 - 7:44 AM



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Because ants only have licking mouthparts, and largely cannot ingest solid foods, water gels are not recommended.  The ants will chew the gel into tiny pieces, but it will be very difficult for them to derive much if any moisture from it.

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#3 Offline Kevin - Posted July 23 2018 - 8:32 AM


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A test tube full of water capped off with cotton will do for several months probably. I suggest doing that.

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#4 Offline skocko76 - Posted July 23 2018 - 9:48 AM


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A test tube full of water capped off with cotton will do for several months probably. I suggest doing that.

Yes, I think I was overengineering this. Or desperately trying to find use for the water gel I have. 

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