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Hello from Taiwan (and soon New York)

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#1 Offline JonathanH - Posted July 16 2018 - 4:08 AM



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Hello everyone! I'm an ant-keeper currently residing in Taiwan. I have a few colonies of local ants that I've been tending to for the past few years, but the time to head off to college has arrived!


I'll be moving to New York to start college at Cornell, and was hoping to be able to keep ants there as well. If you have any colonies or queens for sale, please help me out by checking my post in the general marketplace.


Thanks, and greetings to everyone!

#2 Offline Major - Posted July 16 2018 - 12:17 PM


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Welcome to formiculture and soon NY. I have replied to your post in the market. Your collage happens to be less than 2 hours away!
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