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Buying Temnothorax, Nylanderia, Prenolepsis (New York)

new york buying queen temnothorax nylanderia care prenolepsis

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#1 Offline JonathanH - Posted July 16 2018 - 4:04 AM



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Hey there everyone! I'll be moving away from Taiwan this summer to attend college in New York. Unfortunately, this means leaving behind my colonies in Taiwan in the care of my family and friends for the next few years. 


I'd love the opportunity to continue ant-keeping after moving in but will have to do so from a dorm room. Because of this, I'm looking for a queen or small colony of Temnothorax, Nylanderia, Prenolepsis, or really any ant that is hardy and can be kept without a large outworld-formicarium setup. For example, temnothorax colonies can be kept in just one or two small chambers, as this is similar to their natural nesting habit of inhabiting the interiors of acorns or bits of wood.


As stated before, I'm in New York. If you have a queen or small colony you'd be willing to get to me (shipping to Cornell University, or making the drive to Ithaca, as I don't have a car), I'd be happy to buy from you.


Thanks for your time!

#2 Offline Major - Posted July 16 2018 - 12:14 PM


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New York is a lovely state, you'll have a great time. Congrats on collage. I have a three queen Temenothorax test tube but I would not really want to sell it. I have a colony of either Tapinoma Or Temenothorax that I am willing to sell. There is a possibility of no queen in this colony as it is wild caught, but they have brood so there has to be one. I also have Formica Fusca, Camponotus Pennsylvanicus, and Camponotus Novaeboracensis (kinda reluctant to sell this one but for a right price, sure.) PM me your budget and what queen you are interested in. If not, I can recommend you a fellow NY anter, Reevak. Thanks, and safe travels!

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: new york, buying, queen, temnothorax, nylanderia, care, prenolepsis

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