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Tips for keeping Dorymyrmex bicolor

diet dorymyrmex bicolor

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#1 Offline MMyokan - Posted July 8 2018 - 11:10 AM



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I have a Dorymyrmex bicolor queen and I am having trouble finding any resources for keeping this type of ant.


This is my first ant queen, any tips will help a lot. 


I plan on getting an out world and formicarium from Ants Canada: is this a good idea, which one should I get?


If someone could list what food they like that would be great!






#2 Offline sirjordanncurtis - Posted July 8 2018 - 11:37 AM


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Dorymyrmex bicolor feed on insects. You can provide them live, but I would recommend freezing them first. You don't really have to worry about feeding until she gets workers.


Ants Canada is super expensive, and doesn't necessarily give the best choice of formicaria. tarheelants.com is another seller of formicaria, but you could also go for cheaper options on Aliexpress or make your own.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: diet, dorymyrmex bicolor

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