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protein blood food feeding

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#1 Offline DaveJay - Posted July 5 2018 - 1:20 AM


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I did a search and not much came up on the subject so I thought I'd just ask.

Liquid foods are always mentioned, sugar based, protein based or combined.

Would the liquid in the bottom of a pack of meat, lean beef or kangaroo be good as a liquid protein source?

It's free and plentiful.


I ask because A -  I'm cooking steak :) and B - this queen was found alone, not during a recent nuptial flight, when winter was well upon us.

I assume she was flooded out of her founding chamber because the garden she was travelling from had eaves overhanging it and looked waterlogged, therefore I think it's quite possible that she already laid eggs before I found her and might have used up some of her protein reserves.

I'm wondering if I should feed her something? I can do so without compromising her founding chamber which is in a peat/sand mix as she made her nest so that the tube included to add water to the bottom of the substrate leads into her nest and liquids can be added via syringe (the enclosure was not intended for a queen ant).


Edited by DaveJay, July 5 2018 - 1:45 AM.

#2 Offline StayLoki - Posted July 5 2018 - 9:19 AM


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I would lol one of my queens laid a bunch of eggs after a particularly bloody prime rib snack, but I just gave her a sliver..
I don't see why she couldn't snack on a drop of blood if she wanted to..
.."good little vampire ant" haha

#3 Offline Major - Posted July 5 2018 - 1:00 PM


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If their Dracula ants (Adetomyra) then I guess...

#4 Offline skocko76 - Posted September 7 2018 - 2:55 AM


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I wondered that for awhile too. I got cut on the finger yesterday while doing dishes, so I used that opportunity to feed myself to the ants  :o  :lol:

I gave them a drop of fresh human blood. It makes sense; blood carries nutrition to cells, so should be rich in vitamins, minerals and sugars.

Crematogaster scutellaris loved it and flocked to it.

Lasius niger weren't thrilled, and even placed some grains of sand on it.

Camponotus barbaricus got terrified when they tasted it, shooting around as if devils were at their heels  :D

Messor capitatus haven't discovered it by the time I went to bed.


In the morning all of the dishes were picked clean. There is no sign of the blood in any colony. Perhaps it coagulated and they moved it to the trash heap. Doesn't look like it. Most likely they licked it clean overnight. 

So, I'd say blood might be a pretty good feed. Well... fresh human blood at least  :blush:

Might be a good starting plot for a B horror movie... Watch it neighbours and travelers!

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#5 Offline ANTdrew - Posted September 9 2018 - 7:28 AM


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I gave my ants some beef bone marrow last week, and they crushed it.

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"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

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