I'm finally sitting down and writing this after procrastinating for about a week.
Since last time, I went back to the site (it's summer, I have nothing better to do) and I flipped the first bit of wood I saw, and saw a single termite beneath it.

So I dug into the wood, and found a ton of termites - hundreds, if not a thousand. I also found imagoes, or adults, still with their wings!

So I collected a bunch of the wood, and when I got home, I set up a Berlese filter to separate the termites from the wood. It worked pretty well, so I moved all of the collected termites into a container.

This container has several hundred termites in it, so hopefully it'll start a colony. It's just cardboard rolled up, as well as some soil that made it through the filter. I put any imagoes collected in a separate container.
That weekend I was away, so I put the container of doom (new colony) in the hydration chamber). Apparently I let some imagoes slip by, cause they though the inside of the chamber was a good place for a flight. So I ended up with a bunch of drowned imagoes. The cool thing was that they absorbed a bunch of water, and appeared a bit physogastric.

As well, I left the filter out while I was away, and the remaining imagoes were crawling around the surface, mostly wingless. I collected them, and added them to the main imago container. After putting them into a larger container, I finally encouraged some to tandem run, and I collected these and added them to test tube setups. I sexed the rest manually with my USB microscope, and paired em off. So I now have 11 pairs of imagoes, and 3 tubes with just female imagoes (as far as I can tell). The test tube setups are just some moist paper at the back and some cardboard for the imagoes to nest in. And a cotton ball stopper of course.

It's been about a week since I put the pairs together, and 3 of them have eggs! From my research, it looks like I should have larvaewithin a month, and workers within 2. My first soldier should appear within 4 to 6 months, and by 12 months I should have 20 to 40 workers per colony. It seems like slow growth, but this is one of the few consequences of incest with this species that has been observed, lower fecundity.
Anyhow, here are some pics:

And here's a bonus clip of a pair grooming.
That about rounds it up for now. So I have 2 colony fragments, and I'm keeping 3 of 11 pairs as well as the 3 female-female pairs. The rest are going off to CanadianAnter, who I also got a small colony of Zootermopsis from. I'll make a journal for them if there's any interest.
I'll update in about a month, or when I get larvae.
Edited by Nare, July 8 2019 - 12:52 PM.