Pogonomyrmex love them. @Retroman, one of the most successful Pogonomyrmex keepers on this forum, uses them with great success.I wouldn't feed dried insects (most ants won't take those anyway).
I have two small colonies of Pseudomyrmex gracilis. They are fairly picky on insects and mostly only take fruit flies - anything larger they ingnore. I dropped a grub worm in once and they attacked it and killled it, but then left it once it was dead. I catch a lot male alates (not sure of species), which I generally just feed to my drosera species (honeydews, carnivorous plants). The other day I had a surplus of dead male alates so I decided to drop them in with the Pseudos to see what would happen. Within a short time the dead alates were all gone - and they weren’t in the “trash pile”, so I assume that the Pseudos took them to munch on.
I’d read that they like small dead insects which is why I tried it. It seems they will only take anything already small enough for them to grab and run back to the nest with.