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Random Seed Identification in Video - June 17, 2018

Best Answer AntPhycho , August 1 2018 - 4:46 PM

Clearly they are of a Poaceae or grass, I can get you that far as to the exact species I would do a data search of grasses native to where the ants were found if it is a natural location to narrow down a possible species.  http://pss.uvm.edu/p...rassID_UWis.PDF, this link may help.

Thanks for helping, I have concluded that they are Kentucky Bluegrass seeds.

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#1 Offline AntPhycho - Posted June 17 2018 - 6:18 PM


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Hi, I would like to know what kind of seeds are in this video , they appear at 1:25.

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#2 Offline PurdueEntomology - Posted July 29 2018 - 5:39 PM


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Clearly they are of a Poaceae or grass, I can get you that far as to the exact species I would do a data search of grasses native to where the ants were found if it is a natural location to narrow down a possible species.  http://pss.uvm.edu/p...rassID_UWis.PDF, this link may help.

#3 Offline AntPhycho - Posted August 1 2018 - 4:46 PM   Best Answer


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Clearly they are of a Poaceae or grass, I can get you that far as to the exact species I would do a data search of grasses native to where the ants were found if it is a natural location to narrow down a possible species.  http://pss.uvm.edu/p...rassID_UWis.PDF, this link may help.

Thanks for helping, I have concluded that they are Kentucky Bluegrass seeds.

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#4 Offline nurbs - Posted August 1 2018 - 5:01 PM


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That is correct, they are Kentucky Blue Grass seeds. Whoever shot that video is absolutely amazing and without equal.

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#5 Offline AntPhycho - Posted August 2 2018 - 9:38 PM


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That is correct, they are Kentucky Blue Grass seeds. Whoever shot that video is absolutely amazing and without equal.

Yes I agree,  I wish I had the secret to your incredible V. Pergandei success. I have been decoding all of the seeds in your videos in hopes of replicating your results.  ;)

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