Hello, I'm also new here! Go by Stubyvast online, for privacy purposes. From Canada...haven't seen any one else from Canada on here so far, haha. Me and my friend (who is joining this forum right now) are both avid ant keepers for the past two years or so! Currently raising a lasius niger, a few myrmica rubra colonies, and hoping to catch more this summer! This forum is super helpful and gives tons of great advice!
My friend and I both post on coffeblock.ca (yes that's how it's spelled), with some info about general ant keeping too. Feel free to check it out if you'd like!
Currently raising:
Manica invidia (1 queen + ~20 workers)
Lasius niger (single queen + ~100+ workers)
Lasius neoniger (3 single queen + brood)
Formica spp. (Queen - infertile?)
Formica pacifica (Queen - infertile?)
Tetramorium immigrans (1 queen + ~1100 workers)