Ant Colonies Update7-11-2020
I’m using my IPad this time to make an update, so I can actually access the full array of reply options that I never knew existed lol.
No pictures this time, maybe tomorrow. I just have quite a few “happenings” that I wanted to share.
Established Colonies:Temnothorax Curvispinosus (1 queen)- I still can’t decide how I want to make their “outdoor home”, but I will post when I complete it.
Temnothorax curvispinosus (no queen)- Lots of eggs are suddenly being laid, will do an update tomorrow if the ants move out of the way for a picture of the brood.
Founding Colonies (this list is now in order from my favorite colony to my least favorite):*NEW* Pheidole tysoni (3 queen)- Yep, I combined all three of my most recent queens of this species into a single test tube. I put them all together last night and checked in them this morning with a surprise that they had about 10 eggs already. These queens seem really passive towards one another, although I’m worried about the workers, but I’m still gonna risk it for the biscuit. If this colony turns out, they will by far be my most prized colony

2X Pheidole tysoni (1 queen)Queen 1- So once again, it is just these original two queens in the section, as the other three have been put together ^^^. These queen are still doing great, and I expect to see larvae any day now.
Queen 2- Same as queen 1.
Temnothorax ambiguus (8 queen)- This colony and my
T. pergandei queen are tied for third. Their egg pile has halted in growth, but it’s pretty large where it stands. I can’t wait for workers, so many cool formicarium/terrarium setup ideas!
Temnothorax pergandei (1 queen)- Has three eggs at this point. I figured she’d have more by this point, but I guess her small size puts a limit on how many eggs she can lay, especially with how big they are in comparison to her.
Colobopsis impressa (1 queen)- This queen is definitely a rarity around where I live, and their behaviors/aboreal habits will make for some interesting setups as well. I also think that the majors of this species are adorable. She still only has one egg, although I moved her into a new setup in a test tube with a piece of vinyl tubing. I’ll show pictures soon.
Crematogaster sp. (1 queen)- Even though I said I didn’t want a large colony, this species is still one of my favorites, especially with the interesting coloration on this queen. I will keep them for as long as I can, and may even try to create a moat-terrarium.
Pheidole bicarinata (3 queen)- This is pretty neat colony as well, although ants with a yellow coloration are just so, fricken, pretty (hence, why
P. tysoni and
T. ambiguus are my favorites). They have a growing egg pile, still, and I’m expecting a lot of workers when these eggs hatch (if they hatch).
2X Pheidole pilifera (1 queen)Queen 1- These queen are pretty unique two, and I like them partially because they are
Pheidole, and partially because of their rarity around here. I’m just hoping to get one successful colony of
Pheidole this year. Neither of these queens have eggs yet.
Queen 2- ^^^.
Temnothorax curvispinosus (15 queen)- This colony is still doing, okay? I don’t know if their going to make it to workers, I may need to brood boost them to give them some encouragement.
2X Pheidole bicarinata (1 queen)Queen 1- Pretty generic species once you learn to black light, but I still have a place for Pheidole in my heart. Both queen have eggs.
Queen 2- ^^^.
Solenopsis sp. (5 queen)- It’s some sort of theif ant, but I can’t determine the exact species yet. Likely just
S. molesta. There used to be 6 of these queens, but I accidentally crushed one... whoops.
*NEW* Temnothorax ambiguus/curvispinosus (3 queen - experiment)- Right now, I have two
T. curvispinosus queens and 1
T. ambiguus queen in a test tube. So far, all three queens are getting along and have a small pile of eggs (which got even smaller after I moved them into a test tube from a piece of vinyl tubing, I crushed some). Wouldn’t that be neat if I could have a mixed-species colony?
As of right now, I have 15 test tubes worth of colonies.
Edited by CatsnAnts, July 13 2020 - 6:32 PM.