Hello everyone! I’ve decided to do another update, a BIG update. So for starters, I currently have seven colonies with six different species, here’s the list:
1. Camponotus subbarbatus
2. Formica pallidelfulva
3. Formica ?
4. Tetramorium immigrans
5. Tetramorium immigrans
6. ? ?
7. Lasius neglectus
Here’s some pictures in the order that I listed them above (there’s only a photo of one of the Tetramorium immigrans colonies, and also, I switched from photobucket to imgur, way better quality!):

Okay, so let’s start off with Topa, my Camponotus subbarbatus queen. She is up to four eggs, but has not layed any eggs now for five days. She keeps all four in one pile, so I think that means that she is fertile. I guess only time will tell, and she is also now tied for my favorite species with my Lasius neglectus.
Onto my Formica pallidelfulva. She has a hefty amount of eggs, which is good! She is keeping them all in one nice neat pile and is tending to them closely, although she gets spooked easily.
My other Formica species is doing well as well. She has a few eggs that are all in a pile and are being closely watched. She seems to be fertile.
My two Tetramorium colonies (I used to have more, but I released a lot) are doing very well, they already have larvae, and a bunch of it. I think I am eventually going to just brood boost one of the queens and release the other.
My unknown queen is doing good. She keeps all of her eggs in a pile and tends to them very closely. If anyone could ID her, it would be much appreciated.
Last is my tied for favorite, Lasius neglectus colony. She seems like she has no eggs in the picture, but really, she has about 8 on the cotton. She keeps them in a pile and watches them closely.
Overall, all of my queens seem to be fertile and healthy, so we will se how things end up in the next update. Also, if you have any suggestions for colony names, please let me know. (I have decided that the only queen I am going to name specifically is Topa, my Camponotus subbarbatus colony, but the colony in general still needs a name.) Thanks for taking the time to read my journal!
Edited by CatsnAnts, June 29 2018 - 8:15 AM.