So my initial hype towards ant keeping has died down a little bit. I have reduced the colonies I want to keep down to a more reasonable 3-4. As they continue to get bigger I assume that I'll keep selling them off until I have 1 or 2 large colonies. For now I will mostly focus on Crematogaster cerasi, Camponotus novaeboracensis, and Formica pallidefulva. I will only be adding rarer more interesting colonies to this journal from now on. Species I am looking forward to keep are:
Camponotus americanus
Camponotus castaneus
Camponotus subbarbatus
Parasitic Formica
Aphaenogaster tenneseensis
Crematogaster cerasi
Two pupae have eclosed (not sure what the correct terminology is for naked pupae). This queen is very responsive to heat, she immediately moved all brood towards it.

Here is a picture of one of the nanitics "waking up'". She Looked really weird when I took that picture. I was quite worried at the time but she's completely fine now.

Camponotus novaeboracensis
This colony continues to be super productive and maintains a mountain of brood.

This larvae is already bigger than all the other workers. Safe to say this is going to be the colony's first major worker.

Edited by rbarreto, May 14 2019 - 8:47 PM.