Good afternoon(?)
Some of my students at a school where I work were talking to me about my desire to catch a queen ant and start my own ant colony. Within an hour, they went out ant caught me a queen. I believe it is Camponotus Pennsylvanicus.
That being said, this ant is very dear to me and I would hate to lose it because of something I did wrong. At this moment, she has a handful of eggs and one seemingly eclosing larva. I scared her once before which may have resulted in her eating some older eggs, which is why there's only one that is growing up, considering she laid like 10 eggs at first.
Maybe within a week or two (the larva has been in this state for a while) she will have her first worker. How soon do I feed her? Is there anything to look out for? Should I wait until she has more workers before I start giving her insects to eat? What do they like best?
Thank you so much for any advice or contributions.