On thursday, i was really bored and decided to search under every single rock in my back yard and my searching yielded results. I found a queen ant. I posted about it in the ant id request section and turns out it is a parasitic lasius (probably lasius umbratus)! i am considering whether or not to keep her since I can't find a host colony to steal brood and workers from in my yard but my grandparents live in the country and searching at their house has yielded better results in the past for ant colony hunting. so ill probably search at their house some time soon. no real hurry since she's now drinking the honey that i gave her in her enclosure... right? so I guess my question is should I try feeding her some pre-killed insects as well to 'hold her over' until I find a proper host colony to get some brood and workers to start her off?
here's a video of her for reference sake: