Dear Teleutotje,
mixing things up again, are we?
1. If the first post in this topic was neutral, why alluding to things that happened in other forums and then say that the post was neutral?
I am still conviced that it is absolutely neutral. I didn't state any names and did not use any judgemental adjectives. My only intention was to describe the world of German ant keeping. It is not my fault that Merkur took offense in that and created a post in AP about me carrying resentments into this forum. I didn't even link that post, it was found because you can see what websites are referring to this forum. I was simply asked to translate it, which I did without changing anything.
2. Why not allow anybody to react about one-sided comments and say he's coming to cause trouble and that he doesn't respect the poster?
Was there any censorship? Eventhough Merkur claims that we are "verbally beating" you, this is hardly the case. Feel free to state your opinion, I think everybody is entitled to that right.
3. Why post anything in a forum and then say that others aren't allowed to react?
Again: nobody did that. I was even ask if I would allow that dicussion in my thread, that was not meant to create another huge discussion about certain points. I allowed it and I am happy that most parts of the discussion are focused on ant keeping.
If I'm not allowed to say anything then ask to remove me from the forum......
Did anyone delete anything you said? Did anyone tried to stop you from talking? Again: feel free to talk freely.
Oh, yes, by the way, they know who Merkur is and who I am but nowhere the give their identity. In the German forums they initially used Merkur's full name and title until they had to change that by ruling of the administrators.
No! He signed many posts with his full name and title. Since I don't have the intention to reveal his identiy, I won't link those posts here. But I am deeply convinced that you will find them yourself after a quick research. Hint: check his signature in AP
To come to the hibernation question: If they know Merkur so well they can find in his publications techniques to keep those hibernation-periods to a minimum.....
I'd really like to see a link to that. As far as I know, Merkur's techniques were manly focused on keeping hibernation as close to nature as possible. It's quite a good approach in my opinion and I am even trying the same.
Maybe, geachte meneer Teleutotje, you shouldn't make the same mistake as Merkur:
The world goes on without his statements and not everything written about ant keeping requires his attention.
Please, think for yourself:
This thread was in no way meant to criticize Merkur. I didn't even refer to him.
Somehow I don't really understand to properly format my text in this forum. Maybe some mod/admin can fix it for me.
Edited by dspdrew, January 14 2015 - 7:10 AM.
Fixed bbcode formatting problem