i saw a crematogastor queen yesterday but i didn't have any vials on me
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i saw a crematogastor queen yesterday but i didn't have any vials on me
Caught a Crematogaster this morning!
Now the question. Cerasi or Lineolata?
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I think that's Camponoutus, although I'm probably wrong.
He travels, he seeks the p a r m e s a n.
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That's a Camponotus pennslyvanicus.....
I thought the gaster point was not as pronounced as it should be (whih was why I took a photo angled to show it)
I guess I was influenced by the report of the crematogaster nuptial flight the day earlier.
Now that I think about it, her size should have tipped me off as well.
IDing queens is NOT my strong point.
Edited by Lazarus, August 20 2019 - 11:18 AM.
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Super late flight, her gaster is tiny which isn't a good sign. She might be a reject that missed flights and got kicked out of the nest.
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Figured I should jump in, I found what looks to be a dead Aphaenogaster alate on my front steps when I got home from work today. I'm in central Toronto, so be sure to keep an eye out if you're in the area!
Figured I should jump in, I found what looks to be a dead Aphaenogaster alate on my front steps when I got home from work today. I'm in central Toronto, so be sure to keep an eye out if you're in the area!
Everything's flying LOL I caught an Aphaenogaster a Camponautus and a solonopsis molesta today LOL
Everything's flying LOL I caught an Aphaenogaster a Camponautus and a solonopsis molesta today LOL
Sometimes I hate living in the city. Went for an hour long walk through the ravines, found nothing. I did find a Formica fusca-group queen on the sidewalk though. Not too interesting, but it looks like they're still flying.
Holy Solenopsis molesta ant man! Never seen them do a flight before, it's like nothing I've ever seen, tiny yellow specks were EVERYWHERE hehehe
I would feed her though.
Good idea.
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I have several test tubes or lasius sp. 3 queens in each. I wish I could I'd lasius better plus distinguish them from tappinoma sessile or other small black ants. I read 4 segments on tapinoma gator is the key.
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Lasius sp flying in NS. there literally littering the ground. 4-5 every 2 m square.
Wainting for formica fusca (I think) and crematogastor to fly here. I found one already but I think she was early. She's in a test tube with several pupae and eggs from another brood.
I believe F. fusca is a European species. F. subsericea, F. subaenescens, and other related species are it's North American counterparts.
"God made..... all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds (including ants). And God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:25 NIV version
Formica cf. pallidefulva, cf. incerta, cf. argentea
Formica cf. aserva, cf. subintegra
Myrmica sp.
Lasius neoniger, brevicornis
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