its so supposed to thunderstorm for 7 hours tmr 27 degrees C on Sunday with 15km/h of wind
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its so supposed to thunderstorm for 7 hours tmr 27 degrees C on Sunday with 15km/h of wind
Expect Formica flights after next rainfall.
Out of curiosity, why are you expecting Formica in particular? (Just their time of year or something else?)
With all the rain last Thursday and Friday I was sure I was going to find some this weekend. Did hours and hours of walking but all I came across was a lone male (did not bother to try to determine species). All the more frustrating since I KNOW there were nuptial flights.
On a side note, I did lay a few springtail traps with the hopes that I can have a decently sized colony of those going before I embark on a vivarium type setup.
My online ant spreadsheet
their time of year. Usually they would've flown by nowExpect Formica flights after next rainfall.
Out of curiosity, why are you expecting Formica in particular? (Just their time of year or something else?)
With all the rain last Thursday and Friday I was sure I was going to find some this weekend. Did hours and hours of walking but all I came across was a lone male (did not bother to try to determine species). All the more frustrating since I KNOW there were nuptial flights.
On a side note, I did lay a few springtail traps with the hopes that I can have a decently sized colony of those going before I embark on a vivarium type setup.
If you have access to a lawnmower, the rotting grass crud on the bottom is a magnet for springtails. At least it is in my yard. My compost bin is full of them too.
Expect Formica flights after next rainfall.
Out of curiosity, why are you expecting Formica in particular? (Just their time of year or something else?)
With all the rain last Thursday and Friday I was sure I was going to find some this weekend. Did hours and hours of walking but all I came across was a lone male (did not bother to try to determine species). All the more frustrating since I KNOW there were nuptial flights.
On a side note, I did lay a few springtail traps with the hopes that I can have a decently sized colony of those going before I embark on a vivarium type setup.
Caught a Camponotos novaeboracensis yesterday and a pennsylvanicus today. The ants are all over the map it seems this year here. We haven't had rain in our yard but the ants seem to be flying anyways.
Camponotus pennsylvanicus, Formica subsericea, and Tetramorium imigrans are flying in Toronto.
Developed this sheet. If anyone would like to suggest edits or report a flight all is welcomeÂ
Developed this sheet. If anyone would like to suggest edits or report a flight all is welcome
Request edit sent. I noticed that someone put C. Novea as "Medium" yet C. pennsylvanicus. are "Large". I would size them both as Large, but only when compared to other North American species. Do you have sizing criteria?
My online ant spreadsheet
It's the size of the flight and not the size of the ant lolDeveloped this sheet. If anyone would like to suggest edits or report a flight all is welcomeÂ
Request edit sent. I noticed that someone put C. Novea as "Medium" yet C. pennsylvanicus. are "Large". I would size them both as Large, but only when compared to other North American species. Do you have sizing criteria?
Camponotus pennsylvanicus, Formica subsericea, and Tetramorium imigrans are flying in Toronto.
Well now I don't feel so odd by finding the Pennsylvanicus queen on the 28th. I sure didn't see them this time last year but with the flood I figured they'd fly late.
I was here last year trying to figure out what ants I kept catching in the yard. Some are in new homes, I think I'll just be keeping a nice simple Lasius colony since it's so hard to keep the others inside their living space LOL *cough* crematogaster *cough*
Hey Guys, I'm currently working on an ant ID flowchart for Canadians. I have so far only done the Ponerinae and Amblyponinae comprising 4 species, it will be improved slowly. I expect to finish most of the genera soon
Edited by Canadian anter, July 31 2019 - 8:16 AM.
Formica subsericea are flying again today
Hey Guys, I'm currently working on an ant ID flowchart for Canadians. I have so far only done the Ponerinae and Amblyponinae comprising 4 species, it will be improved slowly. I expect to finish most of the genera soon
If you can complete this it would be awesome. I really suck at identification.
Formica subsericea are flying again today
We had some mighty heavy rains in Ottawa last night and I suspected that today would be a good time. But I took two long walks already today and found nothing.
My online ant spreadsheet
Formica subsericea are flying again today
We had some mighty heavy rains in Ottawa last night and I suspected that today would be a good time. But I took two long walks already today and found nothing.
It's a bit cool today so I didn't think I was going to find anything on my little walk around the work parking lot but low and behold two little Formica queens. I was hoping to find some more Tetramoriums as I have really bad luck with Formica but I'll take what I can get . Hopefully I can leave the Formicas undisturbed and they'll be better.
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