Opening day here in ontario
Caught 7 of these girls today.
Bah cold and rainy all week and weekend ... now snow great! I want a Camponotus so bad but they won't fly with weather like this!
The formica ants are coming to the surface to warm up! This makes it easy to catch the queens. I caught 2 subsericea today!
Edited by ANTdrew, April 27 2019 - 4:39 AM.
P. imparis flight in my backyard, you may want to get out today if you want to catch some.
Second nuptial flight I have ever seen in person from the nest
I'm here to learn, mostly.
bummer i was out at 3:40-7:30 and never saw one!
ps do you think camponotos will fly tonight? i really don't want to miss it.
I only ask because i peeled back a piece of bark on a dead log and a whole pile of elates came pouring out.
Why so few?Caught 60 Prenolepis today
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Was outside for 2 and a half hours just bending down. Back got tired. Also bad practice if I ever end up in jailWhy so few?Caught 60 Prenolepis today
Edited by Canadian anter, May 5 2019 - 7:20 PM.
Caught 60 Prenolepis today
Yeah, but were any Queens?
Took my first long walk of the season yesterday just to see what kind of ants we're scampering around (and with a just glimmer hope to find a P. Imparis. No go.).
My online ant spreadsheet
think camponotus will fly this week/weekend?
i was also just out 4:30pm and say 4 big nest with lots of activity in the forest. 1 nest was moveing about 40ft away in a big congo line and i saw lots of alates. idk if they will fly ether but I'm excited to look. onfortunatly its raining now so idk if they will fly after a rain. any ideas?
still nothing maybe this Saturday night...high of 24
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