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selling colonies of red headed Messor barbarus

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#1 Offline skocko76 - Posted April 11 2018 - 11:18 PM


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Hi all!


I have three colonies of M. barbarus for sale.

30-50 workers each, but let's say >30 to keep it safe  :)

Two of the colonies are the red-headed variety, the third one is black.

I just took them out of hibernation, here in Croatia, Europe, and they seem lively and healthy.

I'm willing to ship to countries where import of ant queens is legal.

I'll try to get better photos shortly.


Feel free to ask any questions you might have!




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Edited by skocko76, April 12 2018 - 4:26 AM.

#2 Offline ken14400 - Posted April 12 2018 - 4:18 AM


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Oh dang if you were in Canada I wouldn't have hesitated and bought one of your colonies 

#3 Offline skocko76 - Posted April 12 2018 - 4:33 AM


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Oh dang if you were in Canada I wouldn't have hesitated and bought one of your colonies 

What is the law in Canada regarding ants anyway?

What info one can find on the Internet is usually for the US. 

I believe I read somewhere that it is illegal to sell native ants across federal borders, but that sounds like US again...

#4 Offline Barristan - Posted April 12 2018 - 5:04 AM


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Would you swap it for a black-headed Lasius niger colony? *just kidding* :)

#5 Offline Canadian anter - Posted April 12 2018 - 10:07 AM

Canadian anter


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Oh dang if you were in Canada I wouldn't have hesitated and bought one of your colonies 

What is the law in Canada regarding ants anyway?

What info one can find on the Internet is usually for the US. 

I believe I read somewhere that it is illegal to sell native ants across federal borders, but that sounds like US again...


we are allowed to ship domestically but have to apply for a permit internationally.

Visit us at www.canada-ant-colony.com !

#6 Offline skocko76 - Posted April 13 2018 - 7:53 AM


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Oh dang if you were in Canada I wouldn't have hesitated and bought one of your colonies 

What is the law in Canada regarding ants anyway?

What info one can find on the Internet is usually for the US. 

I believe I read somewhere that it is illegal to sell native ants across federal borders, but that sounds like US again...


we are allowed to ship domestically but have to apply for a permit internationally.


Tnx for the info

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