5 ants eating a dubia roach? that's insaneOk, I have these ants as well and am having every single problem listed in this whole post...I am a new ant keeper and these are my first ants. I can see how stupid they are. 5 ants killed themselves out of 9 already. I am going to try to put coconut fiber in the nest, and then I will use something clear to put over the ants and slowly drag them all to the opening to the nest, until I force them to go in. After that, I will follow the plan to leave them alone for a few days, and check on them. In the meantime, I'll see if I can get some fruit flies just in case they do not except dubia roaches. At least they are eating honey and drinking regularly so they shouldn't die out.
P.S. I have no other colonies so I will be trying my best to save them D: I also will block them up after I get them in the nest.
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