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Messor barbarus colony dissapeared

ants messor barbarus

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#1 Offline CatLord - Posted April 11 2018 - 2:40 AM


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So about 2 weeks ago i got a messor barbarus colony i made their outerword with some sand and soil and i placed the test tube inside and opened it they did well i show some workers making tunnels i checked on the queen once and she was fine and then next week when i went to check on her she had dissapeared along with all 10-20 workers and i show a hole right infront of their test tube and they havent been out for a long time i still place food regulargly but no ants is it possible that they might have died or are they just nesting in the soil (they have seeds) 

#2 Offline YsTheAnt - Posted April 11 2018 - 7:04 AM


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Yeah, they are almost definitely in the soil. For this reason,you want to put grout or something harder below them, and then coat it with a fine layer of sand or substrate when making an outworld.

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#3 Offline anttics - Posted April 11 2018 - 9:05 AM


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lol. I thought they escape when I read the topic. which will be really bad luck. I have a colony of Veromessor.of 400 workers at the time. their vinyl tube got disconnected when I checked them in the morning before work. when I came back home. they was a line of ants taking seeds from a jar I had next to their set up.

#4 Offline CatLord - Posted April 11 2018 - 9:53 AM


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OMG i took their setup and looked under it AND I SHOW THEM ALL the queen is alive they have nested in the bottom layer of the sand in the outerword i can see them clearly if look under the tank i show them caryying eggs and seeds around so iam relieved to see they're fine!

Edited by CatLord, April 11 2018 - 9:55 AM.

#5 Offline Barristan - Posted April 11 2018 - 10:52 AM


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Most ant species which live in the soil will take the first chance they get (moist soil) to start digging in the Outworld and eventually move underground.


if you don't want them to dig make sure the dirt stays dry in the Outworld.

#6 Offline CatLord - Posted April 11 2018 - 11:04 AM


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Most ant species which live in the soil will take the first chance they get (moist soil) to start digging in the Outworld and eventually move underground.


if you don't want them to dig make sure the dirt stays dry in the Outworld.

yea its fine for them to nest in their outerword i don't really mind to be honest i was worried about them cause they hadn't been up in the surface for a long time

#7 Offline Connectimyrmex - Posted April 17 2018 - 9:07 PM


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I've had this happen with my Myrmica queen once. The dirt layer on the bottom was thinner than her head, but she still managed to make a claustral chamber in it.

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