Here is an ant vacuum I built today. I got three acrylic screw jars for $1.25. By having all the tubing going through the lid, I can catch something and then just swap jars and hunt again. There is a wire mesh at the end of the suction tube so you don't swallow ants but I will add some gauze for additional filtering. I used a bottle cap with a tight fitting hole to both hold the mesh and provide a backstop to help keep the suction tube inserted. But even without that the holes in the lid are nice and tight so the tubes entering are solidly held in place.
I really have no idea what to expect when I actually go out to look for established or foundling colonies, but I figure it's something to do waiting between nuptial flights. I figure that as I overturn rocks and logs or check under loose bark, I will see if I spot a queen first and then attempt to capture her before going after brood and workers.