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Is it possible to over feed a colony of ants?

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#1 Offline rivkah - Posted April 5 2018 - 1:14 PM



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I am not sure if this had previously been asked or answered.... but.... is it possible to over feed a colony of ants?


My little Pheidole (about 250-300 workers) will consume around 30-40 fruit flies daily, which I culture.  Sometimes, admittedly, I have given them a second helping when I see that they had cleaned up all of the first.  Weekly, for variety, I do also give them 5-6 small crickets.


Of course, along with the bugs, they are also getting: peanut butter, honey, ant nectar, fruit/veggies, nuts and whatever else I can think of giving them.  They do have a constant supply of fresh water.


And (second question)... they have taken to covering their honey with trash - mostly sand and fruit fly bits.  Does anyone know why they would be doing this?


Thank you 

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#2 Offline Scrixx - Posted April 5 2018 - 3:04 PM


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I am not sure if this had previously been asked or answered.... but.... is it possible to over feed a colony of ants?


My little Pheidole (about 250-300 workers) will consume around 30-40 fruit flies daily, which I culture.  Sometimes, admittedly, I have given them a second helping when I see that they had cleaned up all of the first.  Weekly, for variety, I do also give them 5-6 small crickets.


Of course, along with the bugs, they are also getting: peanut butter, honey, ant nectar, fruit/veggies, nuts and whatever else I can think of giving them.  They do have a constant supply of fresh water.


And (second question)... they have taken to covering their honey with trash - mostly sand and fruit fly bits.  Does anyone know why they would be doing this?


Thank you 


I don't think it's possible to overfeed as they'll eat whatever they need and store the extra. You'll want to strike the balance between what they need and extra since it'll open up paths to mold and mites. 


Ants cover up liquids including food when they're done with it. Maybe because its a danger for drowning or it may attract other colonies and other critters. You can see the same behavior in posts here that involve liquid feeders. Ants will cover up the wick making it inaccessible to themselves. 

ScrixxAnts Queen Adoption

YouTube: View my ants

Keeping: Camponotus sansabeanus - C. vicinus - Formica francoeuri - Liometopum occidentale -  Pogonomyrmex californicus - P. rugosus - P. subnitidus - Solenopsis molesta - S. xyloni - Tapinoma sessile - Temnothorax sp.

Journals: Camponotus sansabeanus & C. vicinus | Pogonomyrmex californicus & P. rugosus | Solenopsis molesta & S. xyloni

Discontinued: Pogonomyrmex subnitidus

#3 Offline dermy - Posted April 5 2018 - 3:04 PM


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The ants are covering it up so they don't drown in it. As far as overfeeding goes I don't think so, the ants will just eat what they want to, the only real issue is if you feed way too much the food may spoil and cause some pretty nasty stink (esp. dead insects)

#4 Offline rivkah - Posted April 6 2018 - 11:14 AM



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Thank you for the replies.


My head count may be way off -- they don't stand still long enough to count them (haha).  What started as a single queen and 5-8 workers 8-9 months ago, had completely outgrown the space available inside a TarHeel Ants inception chamber nest (appr. 3 inch diameter).  I have added a 4"x4" plastic box fitted with a ventilation window and sand into which they have constructed a satellite nest.   I do keep a tight fitting lids on the enclosures.  These are tiny ants... with very big appetites.  


I was cautioned about mold so I am always on the look out for it, but from what I have been seeing, there have been no left overs.  But "striking a balance between what they need and extra...", helps me visualize how much might be too much.  


I do clean the "garbage dump" no less than three (3) times per week, and scout around the enclosure for any other trash the ants might have hidden somewhere out of view.   And I think it is always good advise 'follow your nose', it certainly is the first clue that maybe, just maybe... something is amiss.


Thank you again

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