LOL, I was about to leave work in my car and turned the wipers on, and saw a queen ant on my screen, I franticly got out ( I keep queen capture vials in my car for such occasions!) and try to cpature it, but she ran into the crack of the screen trim. I also saw a male there and a bunch of wings

So I blew into the crack and eventually flushed her out - bag one Pheidole queen - the all red ones
There were a ton of wings on my car bonnet actually! I looked around for more but they were long gone.
I also saw magpies around so, that kinda clued me in.
Also when I arrived at 5:30am, I looked around under lights etc, and no sign of them.
So between 6 and 7am they flew, so most likely around dawn
Hmm, but no activity in my backyard, but I did see some males wandering around yesterday. So maybe soon. Still waiting of the black Pheidole species to start flying