First picture is a bunch of flatbacked millipedes, Pseudopolydesmus sp.
Second pic looks like a stone centipede, Lithobius. Stone centipedes are aggressive predators but not cannibalistic.
Thanks! Ya, those Stone centipedes are very aggressive, definitely noticed that!
I'm going to break my millipede-hating rule and say that your collection looks pretty cool. Now I kind of want to give millipedes a second chance.
Why would you hate Millipedes in the first place? I think they are a lot like ants in some ways.
I've always kind of disliked them overall. They killed one of my first ant colonies (one sprayed cyanide onto the nest [don't put the larger species of millipedes in terrariums with ants] when the guards bit its legs). I wrote about it on a different post. Also millipedes can cause the following:
1. temporary skin discoloration
2. potential mucus membrane damage
Plus, they smell bad.
Otherwise, millipedes are okay.
How are they like ants? True, they exhibit parental care, but what else?
Anyways, I just went outside and caught a few millipedes in my yard to kind of break my fear. How are you keeping yours?
Edited by Connectimyrmex, November 18 2017 - 12:24 PM.