Can anyone help ID these workers?
I noticed 7 new ant mounds in my front yard today, all seeming to be the same species. I had seen one or two similar colonies last year in the same area. All mounds are under or around a large oak tree.
Close inspection shows a bunch of workers at each mound that seem to be "digging out."
No winged ants present. We are in the first really warm spell here in Dallas, with rain due tomorrow. Each colony was doing the exact same thing: creating a mound a few inches away from the entrance to their next. Some of the mounds were quite big (4x4 inches, 1-2 inches tall).
My guess is Acromyrmex.
1. Location of collection: front yard under oak tree
2. Date of collection 3-26.
3. Habitat of collection: Dirt under oak tree in front yard
4. Length: 3-4 mm
5. Coloration: reddish brown
6. Distinguishing characteristics: see pictures, lots of spines