I carved it when wet to minimize dust, letting dry then will silicone glass on. Carved on both sides. As far as moisture, I'm planning on putting my Camponotus in there, so I don't believe they need a ton of humidity, so wasn't sure if I should just attach a test tube of water to the side, or set the whole thing in a small dish of water to allow some water to wick up to the lower chambers. It appears to not hold water and it just pours through more or less so don't expect it to wick at all. Some advice I saw online was to coat the nest with plaster but then that would make it mold... so idk. Suggestions? In other news I have so many ants with brood in all stages, so will be making a lot more formicariums.....
(In yet more news, as I was uploading pics, my 1 year old grabbed the pumice formicarium and took a bite out of it.... So a tad more silicone there when I get to that step... thankfully pumice according to poison control, won't cause any permanent problems.