Colony update - Summer 13th March 2022
What I currently have - a lot of colonies died out 
Opisthopsis Rufithorax (strobe ant) 10mm queen
Atom C nest inside circular outworld
100? workers, medium pile of cocoons and some larvae/eggs
Numbers are down to 30% of peak, but there is a brood pile building up.
They don't eat much.
i assume they are a mature colony now, but not much happening
Melophorus sp.- black orange 7-8mm queen
Acrylic founding nest - heatcable
<5 workers - a few larvae, eggs?
I think season 4-5 now, and still under 10 workers.... I did see some brood, but they are so slow
Pheidole sp. red 7mm queens x 2
Small clay nest inside an acrylic container
300-500? workers and some 10+ majors
They are doing well and are fun to interact with.
I see workers foraging on the table sometimes... since I haven't bothered with fluon...
They stay inside the nest mostly.
Majors are always bloated, so I rarely feed them, maybe once a fortnite.
I never see then take the honey much, but love the roaches and nuts I give them
Pheidole antipodum 14-15mm queen
Queen 10, former member of dual queen - simple tub and tubes
5000-1000? workers and some majors of all sizes - massive brood pile spread across 4 test tubes
Quick update of my last and largest of my Pheidole antipodum colonies
I guess they are getting near 10000 strong now
I just had one of last two colonies' queen just die out of the blue, without me noticing for a couple of weeks.... after a few more weeks I moved in the remaining workers/brood into my last big colony
and they happily accepted the test tube of brood and workers, but I did see a smaller major get killed off.
They do seem to accept ants from other colonies no problems from what I have seen.
The queen of this colony was moved out of that tube she was in before, and into the blocked up one at the top of tub one night, without me noticing.
They have exploded a bit with 4 test tubes worth of brood.
A few large majors, but still no super majors
They clean up food so fast now!
dry test tubes not a problem for them. I just squirt some water into a cotton filled cap for them, and some drops here and there.