Spring 16th November 2020 Pheidole antipodum 14-15mm queens x 2Queen 10, former member of dual queen - simple tub and tubes2000+? workers and some majors of all sizes - massive brood pile
Huge 1+cm square pile of white to yellow'ish pupa at the back in the main waterless test tube and another smaller pile in a secondary test tube
And 2 lots 1+cm square pile of larvae as well in the main test tube, and a smaller pile in another.
As we head towards summer things about to get spicy!
Water running low in the secondary test tube , so Ia dded a third test tube, but only a handdul of ants have moved into this one.
Queen 5 - 20mm test tube - heat cable5+ newly eclosed workers, 3 donated workers and 1 medium major - some pupa/larvae and small clump of brood
The queen has finally got her own workers after 5+ of her own pupa eclosed the last few days.
Activity has really picked up since then
Still a few more to eclose and another 5-10 more white pupa lie in wait.
Hopefully she can get to 100 workers before winter so that they hang on till next season after the mite disaster.
So far the lone medium sized major has out lived all the minors and donated workers.
Wonder how much longer she will go on for...
Pheidole red species 7mm queens x 2 - 16mm test tube - in my ghetto incubator Checked up on these two red Pheidole queens I found in my backyard under bricks in early October
Queen 1 - I see she has a few nanitics, so it took about 6-7 weeks or so at 27 C degrees in my incubator
Will keep them there till next week before I take them out, leave them in the open and start feeding them.
Although both setups already have a honey dish since the beginning
Queen 2 - This queen just looked at me and had that "whatever" look

Pheidole just don't seem bothered by light exposure in my experience, just non reactive queens in general.
She has some late stage larvae and a couple of pupa, so maybe by next week she will have some nanitics.
Edited by CoolColJ, November 16 2020 - 2:29 AM.