Raw almond
Gave a small peice of raw almond to my two Pheidole setups with workers, and the I.bicknelli
Bicknelli seems less eager for the almond, but there is one worker on it.
Last week I gave them some freeze dried mealworm, and while they prefer the fresher mealworm, then there was a still a worker on it.
Didn't touch the freeze dried cricket leg though (even after soaked in water)
2x Phediole sp. red head/black body 9mm
As Pheidole normally are, they like raw nuts and seeds, there were 2 of the 5 nanitics on the almond at all times so far.
Even though I already fed them a baby cricket yesterday.
That is one good thing about Pheidole ants, they can eat a wide variety of stuff.
And nuts/seeds can last a while without going off, so there is always an alternate source of protein around.
Much like raw honey, low maintenance food sources.
edit - workers dragged the almond up and now one of the queens has joined them for a bit
Pheidole sp, all black 7mm
The queen came and inspected the almond and had a nibble.
Then she checked on the entrance cotton like she always does, since there must have been a breach for the almond to show up 
Happy that the nest was secure she went back for a brief nibble and returned to the brood
She has put all the brood in the middle of the test tube.
So far I have noticed the black Pheidole like things dryer, while my red headed ones inbetween, and all red Pheidole like it really wet, even burying brood into the cotton
The single nanitic has placed 5 larvae (all with black insides) on the ceiling of the test tube near the wet cotton, away from the main brood.
She was there for a while tending the larvae, and then went to the almond, and has been there since 
They really need that second nanitic soon to ease the workload
edit - queen is really getting into the almond and loving it
Edited by CoolColJ, May 8 2018 - 4:58 PM.