Colony update - Autumn 20th May 2019Opisthopsis Rufithorax (strobe ant) 10mm queenAtom C nest inside circular outworld100+ workers, 20+ cocoons, tons of brood
They are no longer heated a little by the tip of the heating cable touching the right side of their nest, so growth should slow way down
Especially with winter coming up, but they are still pretty active.
Melophorus sp.- black orange 7-8mm queenAcrylic founding nest - heatcable6 workers - brood?
Queen hasn't laid in months, into second season now and never cracking 6 workers

It's like she only lays in Spring and early summer
Polyrhachis rufifemur 9mm queen16mm test tube - heat cable1 worker - 1 large, 6 small larvae
still waiting on that second worker to come along....
Into second season now, and the long brood times are crazy
Camponotus suffusus bendigensis 17-18mm queen 120mm Test tube - heat cable10 workers, 2 large, 4-5 medium larvae, 4 small larvae/eggs
Camponotus aeneopilosus aka golden tail sugar ant - 12mm queen16mm test tube - styrofoam double chamber setup - in styrofoam and heat cable incubator15 large larvae
Ever since her first cocoon, which birthed a drone, none of the large larvae have cocooned and it's been months!
Very strange. I don't have much confidence in her coming through, fertility wise
Myrmecia fulvipes, bull ant, 17-18mm queen20mm test tube - in small outworld1 worker
No eggs as before.
They don't seem to care too much when I check on them now. getting used to me I guess
Colobopsis macrocephala 9mm queen16mm test tube - in styrofoam and heat cable incubator5 workers 1 large larvae, a few small larvae/eggs
Not much going on with them, and also not particularly active ants.
Still thinking about letting them go.
Water is getting on the low side...
Pheidole antipodum 14-15mm queens x 4All setups 20mm test tube and a styro foam double chamber entrance
Heat cableQueen 10 - former partner of Dual queen setup 250+ workers - some large larvae, medium stack of brood
Queen 11 - former partner of Dual queen setup 220+ workers - small pile of brood
Queen 4 with red dirt9 nanitics from donated brood, small clump of unhatched 4-5 month old 15+ eggs
Queen 5 - bare test tube - balled up tissue acting as a chamber in front of the styrofoam chamber entrance100+ workers - some large larvae, massive teaspoon sized brood pile
By far the most active of all my ants.
Always moving and doing stuff.
Even days old roach bits still get worked on.
And they pile rubbish on the exit cotton.
Since I started feeding them raw honey via a smeared cotton bud head, they no longer cover it up.
Queen 10 and 11, former partners are both going well after being separated.
I might giving queen 9 to a friend.
Queen 4's original eggs still haven't hatched after months, and her donated nanitics are starting to die out.... down to 9 or so now

Plus the water in her tube is getting on the lower side.
Don't think I will be able to move them whe the water runs out and all workers are dead.
I could keep donating brood to her and hope she makes it, but not looking good, fertility wise.
Queen 5's colony is thriving, and getting quite big. Probbaly closing in on 200 workers now.
I still have them in a sealed test tube most of time...
Then have to open it inside a fluon lined container to feed them as they swarm out

Then leave them there for a day or two until i can seal it back again.
And they sure dump a ton of rubbish outside the exit!
When they are in the container off the heating cbale they spread the brood out, and the compact it again when back on the cable
Which is strange since queen 9's brood is always near the heating cable.... funny how different colonies treat their heat differently.
The workers have also made that little chamber they dug into the water
cotton bigger, and a small passage 1cm towards thew ater.
It seems they noticed the water and stopped there
Edited by CoolColJ, May 20 2019 - 6:44 AM.