Spring 30th November
Pheidole antipodum 14-15mm queens x 12
So on the last day of spring I begin moving these 12 queens into their setups, and then into my styrofoam and heat cable incubator.
But I'm still deciding on how to split them up!
I will definitely have two triple queen setups, or maybe quads. Then 3-4 single queens, and maybe 1 dual queen. still unsure... 
I noticed one queen has a much darker gaster than the rest, and this one also has a big dent int it...
I separated her from the other two queens in her container, and put her in a solo setup...the other two queens will also go solo.
Trying coco coir substrate and a styrofoam double chamber setup
I think I added too much coir, and she tried to tunnel under it and then cleared it from the cotton.
Some of it is damp from touching the cotton.
Still unsure about the coco coir, could make it tricky for the eggs and brood if they get buried under it.
And the small workers could get lost in it.
I still want to have some substrate, so other options are red dirt, a bit fine and dusty and white sand, hard to see brood...
click to enlarge - the dented gaster one is much darker to the naked eye, but the flash makes it bright

Edited by CoolColJ, November 29 2018 - 11:38 PM.