Myrmecia nigrocincta 20mm queens x4 Queen 1 - tub and tubes - 3 eggs ?
Queen 2 - sealed test tube - 7 eggs
Queen 3 - sealed test tube - 4 eggs
Queen 4 - sealed test tube - 5 eggs
Queen 3 and 4, laid another egg each!
Didn't check on queen 1
Queen 1 in the tub and tubes setup dumped her termite alate nymph outside... she doesn't want to eat any protein for now.
The others have no choice, in their sealed test tubes, and have kept it near their eggs

These Bull ant queens are relatively easy to keep so far, compared to the horror stories I read of other species.
But these were foraging queens, when captured, so they might be the good ones.
Unlike say capturing queens from nuptial flights, where the bad ones haven't been culled yet.
That is the advantage of semi-claustral queens, unlike claustral queens where you have to capture them at or near flight times.
And the bad ones can hang around for a while.
The 2 queens I found yesterday, have been moved on.
One to replace a queen that had been stolen from the guy's front yard after it had been delivered from a trade... and he bought the other one.
I didn't have to do that, but I'm a good guy, and it's what good guys do

The thief probably had the shock of his life

But that queen will likely die
Edited by CoolColJ, October 25 2018 - 3:29 PM.