Spring 17th October 2018checked up on queens in my ghetto incubator
Temperature has hit 28C degrees inside the box, and probably 30 inside the test tube and 34 directly under the heat cable at the end of the test tube.
Pheidole cf antipodum 15mm queen20mm Test tube with aquarium filter wool dam - in styrofoam and heat cable incubator30+ eggs
She relaid a ton of eggs since I last checked on her. Over 30 at least.
But they are scattered all over the test tube... not a good sign, but so are the eggs of the Iridomyrmex queens below.
Maybe to get a better spread of the heat
dual black Iridomyrmex queens 8mm20mm test tube - in styrofoam and heat cable incubator60? brood
I see some medium sized larvae now, so they should eclose in a 1-2 weeks time
I also see about 40 dark brown eggs that probably died from the heat, near the heat cable.
Nylanderia sp. 6mm - 4 queens16mm Test tube with aquarium filter wool dam, cardboard floor substrate - in styrofoam and heat cable incubator100? eggs
RIP, a queen died and was dumped at the end of the test tube, along with some wings
I know of another queen I discovered yesterday in my yard under a brick that I could capture to replace her

They have 2 big clumps of eggs now, looking like close to 100 brood!
Edited by CoolColJ, October 16 2018 - 6:10 PM.