Some flights today , 11am by the looks of it, I found a unknown winged queen, bent antenna, means queen for sure, and what looks like Rhytidoponera queen wandering around in my backyard when I went to throw some rubbish

Went to the bush to see if those bush Iridomyrmex were flying
Pretty quiet in the bush, much cooler in the shade, but I turned over a rock that revealed a termite nest with more advanced alate nymphs, with brown wings already, so these termites may fly within a month or so.
There was a Polyrhachis ammon nest right next to them, under the rock, which probably had no idea they were next to termites.
Some of them scrambled and grabbed a few termites, while others moved their cocoons into a small hole
I captured another batch of termites from here, some brown wing alate nymphs, workers and guards.
Hopefully I can get some mature alates out of these and get my own tandem pairing king and queen action happening
Possibly a Nylanderia sp. queen i captured todaywhich may not ahve mated as I saw a tiny male 1m away....
click to enlarge

7-8 mm Rhytidoponera queen I found wandering in my backyard today.
I've never seen these in my yard so it has to be from my neighbour

Although I have seen workers of a smaller species, for the first time, this week in my yard....