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My First Time Anting

anting california queen hunting

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#1 Offline KBant - Posted February 6 2018 - 9:16 PM


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Ready locked and loaded, I had collected all my anting supplies over the course of a few weeks. Ready with pop top containers, a headlamp, a shovel and test tubes, I was ready to test my luck anting. I decided to try Chaney Trail in Alta Dena, CA as our buddy nurbs has had much luck there. I get there around 630pm, the trail gate closes from 8pm - 6am so I had only an hour or so to hunt. 


Long, pitch-black, windy roads lead up into the mountains, and then down into a campground. In the almost empty parking lot of the campground, devoid of light, was an old black van and another empty car with nobody in sight. I circled around in the parking lot so that the headlights of my car could illuminate as much as possible to help me get my bearings. In all honesty I was thinking, will I become one of those missing hikers? will i encounter a bear? a mountain lion? a serial killer? It was so quiet, so much uncertainty about my surroundings but I stepped out nonetheless.


I got out of my car, turned on my headlamp and grabbed my phone for extra light. I looked around and saw nothing in the immediate area, so I walked a bit further. I heard water, perhaps a stream, nearby. I so badly wanted to go further down into the wooded area but my nerves got the best of me. Alone with my thoughts and the rustling of the trees and bushes, I fled. I walked back to my car and decided to try my luck on the side of the road on the way back. 


Long story short, I walked out empty handed. Saw many black beetles but no queen ants. While my first anting trip didn't go well, I am not deterred. Next time however I will not be going alone. 


I have a lot of newfound respect to all those who go anting alone in the mountains. y'all have balls o' steel.

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#2 Offline Derpy - Posted February 6 2018 - 9:26 PM


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Don't give up, try to go after a mini heat wave.

-1x Parasitic Formica Sp. Colony

-1x Pogonomymrex Californicus Colony

-1x Camponotus Hyatti Colony


#3 Offline nurbs - Posted February 6 2018 - 10:19 PM


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Was at the gym when you sent that text. Laughed out loud.


Sorry man, this is too good not to share. Edited for language because Formiculture is PG kid friendly.


Don't feel too bad. Last year, Drew asked me to accompany him and hold his hands near Angelus Oaks because it was super creepy at night and he was afraid of werewolves (though he won't admit it) .


Should have surprised you there in a clown suit  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:









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California Ants for Sale


Unidentified Myrmecocystus



Undescribed "Modoc"



Camponotus or Colobopsis yogi:


Camponotus us-ca02


Unidentified Formica


Pencil Case and Test Tube Formicariums
Bloodworm Soup

#4 Offline T.C. - Posted February 6 2018 - 10:57 PM


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Haha, we don't have mountains or deserts around here. Although one time I was blacklighting, in the woods. I hiked out to a field that was about a half mile into it. I tell you on the way back, and your battery on the light dies.... you suddenly feel the need to rush. But you try and you trip over fallen trees, brush, etc. You can't see a darn thing. It's more painful than anything, especially when your walking and you plant your da** eye into a stick or it comes back and snaps you in the face.
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#5 Offline nurbs - Posted February 6 2018 - 11:01 PM


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Long, pitch-black, windy roads lead up into the mountains, and then down into a campground. In the almost empty parking lot of the campground, devoid of light, was an old black van and another empty car with nobody in sight. I circled around in the parking lot so that the headlights of my car could illuminate as much as possible to help me get my bearings. In all honesty I was thinking, will I become one of those missing hikers? will i encounter a bear? a mountain lion? a serial killer? It was so quiet, so much uncertainty about my surroundings but I stepped out nonetheless.


I got out of my car, turned on my headlamp and grabbed my phone for extra light. I looked around and saw nothing in the immediate area, so I walked a bit further. I heard water, perhaps a stream, nearby. I so badly wanted to go further down into the wooded area but my nerves got the best of me. Alone with my thoughts and the rustling of the trees and bushes, I fled. I walked back to my car and decided to try my luck on the side of the road on the way back. 




California Ants for Sale


Unidentified Myrmecocystus



Undescribed "Modoc"



Camponotus or Colobopsis yogi:


Camponotus us-ca02


Unidentified Formica


Pencil Case and Test Tube Formicariums
Bloodworm Soup

#6 Offline dspdrew - Posted February 6 2018 - 11:54 PM

  • LocationSanta Ana, CA

There are really just three things I worry about: Crazy people, mountain lions, and rattle snakes.


From what I hear, you are right to be a little worried at Chaney trail if it's that empty. According to Gordon, a few people have been jacked there in recent years. The few times I've been there, it didn't seem threatening at all; there were plenty of decent looking people around camping and hiking and whatnot.


Rattle snakes are pretty much everywhere around here, so I got some knee-high snake boots that greatly reduce the chance of being bit. As for mountain lions and crazy people, the chances of running into either of them is pretty slim. Having someone with you supposedly helps a lot when it comes to mountain lions. I'm not sure if that would be true for a nutcase though. For both of those I carry a 300 million volt stun gun.



Don't feel too bad. Last year, Drew asked me to accompany him and hold his hands near Angelus Oaks because it was super creepy at night and he was afraid of werewolves (though he won't admit it) .


Haha. Again, mountain lions. Choosing to have another person with you is much smarter than going alone. That trail is in the middle of the forest in the San Bernardino Mountains. There is NO ONE around for miles. It's so dark there, the only thing you can see is right where your flashlight is shining. I really don't want to become dinner.


The desert has some creepy places too. I tend to like being WAY, WAAAY out in the desert better than being closer to "towns" where there are still some houses (shacks.. probably meth labs) around. At least that far in the desert in the summer time is a death sentence unless you have a car. Nobody just hangs out there. So as long as I don't see a car pull up behind mine and stop (which I have had happen before) it's all good. That's always a terrible feeling.


When I was younger, I used to hang around in some pretty crazy places, but as I've gotten older, I think I realize the dangers of some things much more.

#7 Offline nurbs - Posted February 7 2018 - 12:06 AM


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The desert has some creepy places too. I tend to like being WAY, WAAAY out in the desert better than being close to "towns" where there are still some houses (shacks.. probably meth labs) around. At least that far in the desert in the summer time is a death sentence unless you have a car. Nobody just hangs out there. So as long as I don't see a car pull up behind mine and stop (which I have had happen before) it's all good. That's always a terrible feeling.



Yes. There's a stretch of hwy 62 after 29 Palms going East all the way into Vidal Junction that is super crazy creepy at night. I don't get creeped out at places like Chaney, but this spot sent the hairs on the back of my neck all the way up.


Last year, I stopped out there to take a whizz and to also look for honeypots after a huge flashfood passed through there.


When you get out, total darkness, DEAD SILENCE. No traffic, no cars, weak reception. So silent that you hear an "eeeeeeeeee" sound in your ear. After I took a leak (never been so nervous while peeing, omg) started looking for founding chambers but I had this absolutely creeped out feeling that something was out there.


Then 15 minutes later some truck actually drives through. Check my phone and get a text from Drew. He goes "hey man was that your truck parked on the side of 62?"


We're the only people crazy enough to be out there at 2am in the morning, and we didn't even plan on meeting up there, just a random coincidence we ran into each other.  

California Ants for Sale


Unidentified Myrmecocystus



Undescribed "Modoc"



Camponotus or Colobopsis yogi:


Camponotus us-ca02


Unidentified Formica


Pencil Case and Test Tube Formicariums
Bloodworm Soup

#8 Offline dspdrew - Posted February 7 2018 - 12:30 AM

  • LocationSanta Ana, CA



The desert has some creepy places too. I tend to like being WAY, WAAAY out in the desert better than being close to "towns" where there are still some houses (shacks.. probably meth labs) around. At least that far in the desert in the summer time is a death sentence unless you have a car. Nobody just hangs out there. So as long as I don't see a car pull up behind mine and stop (which I have had happen before) it's all good. That's always a terrible feeling.



Yes. There's a stretch of hwy 62 after 29 Palms going East all the way into Vidal Junction that is super crazy creepy at night. I don't get creeped out at places like Chaney, but this spot sent the hairs on the back of my neck all the way up.


Last year, I stopped out there to take a whizz and to also look for honeypots after a huge flashfood passed through there.


When you get out, total darkness, DEAD SILENCE. No traffic, no cars, weak reception. So silent that you hear an "eeeeeeeeee" sound in your ear. After I took a leak (never been so nervous while peeing, omg) started looking for founding chambers but I had this absolutely creeped out feeling that something was out there.


Then 15 minutes later some truck actually drives through. Check my phone and get a text from Drew. He goes "hey man was that your truck parked on the side of 62?"


We're the only people crazy enough to be out there at 2am in the morning, and we didn't even plan on meeting up there, just a random coincidence we ran into each other.  



Haha I knew you were gonna mention that spot. Mainly it's between 29 Palms and the 177, south of Sheephole Valley Wilderness. That I think is the only stretch of desert highway I've seen in Southern California where you can drive for 30 minutes, without being able to see a single man-made thing for as far as you can see in any direction, other than the road. And yeah, not that many cars go through there either.

#9 Offline anttics - Posted February 7 2018 - 4:24 PM


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Oh my. when I go anting. I'll take a knife just in case. Mountain lions rarely attack 6 feet 185lb men. unless if you are digging for queens. you will look smaller. chances of being attack by a lion increase by 1000%. still 2 people should be better. more chances of surviving an accident. like falling, or bitten by a snake. or an attack by a crazy person. next rain I'll head out. if anyone want to join me. I would be more than happy.

Edited by anttics, February 7 2018 - 4:26 PM.

#10 Offline anttics - Posted February 7 2018 - 4:26 PM


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pepper spray should be a good defense tool.

#11 Offline Martialis - Posted February 7 2018 - 4:30 PM


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Not against a 220 pound hunk of pure carnivore.


#12 Offline dspdrew - Posted February 8 2018 - 8:16 PM

  • LocationSanta Ana, CA

Haha, we don't have mountains or deserts around here. Although one time I was blacklighting, in the woods. I hiked out to a field that was about a half mile into it. I tell you on the way back, and your battery on the light dies.... you suddenly feel the need to rush. But you try and you trip over fallen trees, brush, etc. You can't see a darn thing. It's more painful than anything, especially when your walking and you plant your da** eye into a stick or it comes back and snaps you in the face.


That's why I carry two backup lights. I am NOT going to ever have this happen to me. In some of the places I go, I could plummet 50 feet to my death. Also, the lights aren't only good for lighting up your path, but any large animals starring at me are given away by their glowing eyes. There's no way for them to hide that.

#13 Offline StopSpazzing - Posted February 8 2018 - 10:12 PM


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Ready locked and loaded, I had collected all my anting supplies over the course of a few weeks. Ready with pop top containers, a headlamp, a shovel and test tubes, I was ready to test my luck anting. I decided to try Chaney Trail in Alta Dena, CA as our buddy nurbs has had much luck there. I get there around 630pm, the trail gate closes from 8pm - 6am so I had only an hour or so to hunt. 


Long, pitch-black, windy roads lead up into the mountains, and then down into a campground. In the almost empty parking lot of the campground, devoid of light, was an old black van and another empty car with nobody in sight. I circled around in the parking lot so that the headlights of my car could illuminate as much as possible to help me get my bearings. In all honesty I was thinking, will I become one of those missing hikers? will i encounter a bear? a mountain lion? a serial killer? It was so quiet, so much uncertainty about my surroundings but I stepped out nonetheless.


I got out of my car, turned on my headlamp and grabbed my phone for extra light. I looked around and saw nothing in the immediate area, so I walked a bit further. I heard water, perhaps a stream, nearby. I so badly wanted to go further down into the wooded area but my nerves got the best of me. Alone with my thoughts and the rustling of the trees and bushes, I fled. I walked back to my car and decided to try my luck on the side of the road on the way back. 


Long story short, I walked out empty handed. Saw many black beetles but no queen ants. While my first anting trip didn't go well, I am not deterred. Next time however I will not be going alone. 


I have a lot of newfound respect to all those who go anting alone in the mountains. y'all have balls o' steel.

Brah... I would love to join you if you want to meet up? Never been there myself. Would like to go sometime soon... Message me. I'll bring a bright a** underwater flashlight.

> Ant Keeping Wiki is back up! Currently being migrated from old wiki. :)Looking to adopt out: Crematogaster sp. (Acrobat Ants) colonies

#14 Offline nurbs - Posted February 8 2018 - 10:21 PM


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Brah... I would love to join you if you want to meet up? Never been there myself. Would like to go sometime soon... Message me. I'll bring a bright a** underwater flashlight.





Get a headlamp, then your hands are free to protect yourself from ghosts, clowns and werewolves.


This is the latest model of the one I use. Super bright, rechargeable batteries, waterproof, super reliable, use it not only for anting but camping and late night hiking:


https://www.amazon.c...=headlamp fenix



If you're new to anting and don't want to spend much, anything like this will also work perfectly fine. The point is your hands should be free:



California Ants for Sale


Unidentified Myrmecocystus



Undescribed "Modoc"



Camponotus or Colobopsis yogi:


Camponotus us-ca02


Unidentified Formica


Pencil Case and Test Tube Formicariums
Bloodworm Soup

#15 Offline YsTheAnt - Posted February 8 2018 - 10:23 PM


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There are really just three things I worry about: Crazy people, mountain lions, and rattle snakes.

From what I hear, you are right to be a little worried at Chaney trail if it's that empty. According to Gordon, a few people have been jacked there in recent years. The few times I've been there, it didn't seem threatening at all; there were plenty of decent looking people around camping and hiking and whatnot.

Rattle snakes are pretty much everywhere around here, so I got some knee-high snake boots that greatly reduce the chance of being bit. As for mountain lions and crazy people, the chances of running into either of them is pretty slim. Having someone with you supposedly helps a lot when it comes to mountain lions. I'm not sure if that would be true for a nutcase though. For both of those I carry a 300 million volt stun gun.

Don't feel too bad. Last year, Drew asked me to accompany him and hold his hands near Angelus Oaks because it was super creepy at night and he was afraid of werewolves (though he won't admit it) .

Haha. Again, mountain lions. Choosing to have another person with you is much smarter than going alone. That trail is in the middle of the forest in the San Bernardino Mountains. There is NO ONE around for miles. It's so dark there, the only thing you can see is right where your flashlight is shining. I really don't want to become dinner.

The desert has some creepy places too. I tend to like being WAY, WAAAY out in the desert better than being closer to "towns" where there are still some houses (shacks.. probably meth labs) around. At least that far in the desert in the summer time is a death sentence unless you have a car. Nobody just hangs out there. So as long as I don't see a car pull up behind mine and stop (which I have had happen before) it's all good. That's always a terrible feeling.

When I was younger, I used to hang around in some pretty crazy places, but as I've gotten older, I think I realize the dangers of some things much more.

What did happen when people pulled up behind you? This thread makes me scared of going anting down in the desert...

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#16 Offline StopSpazzing - Posted February 8 2018 - 10:25 PM


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Brah... I would love to join you if you want to meet up? Never been there myself. Would like to go sometime soon... Message me. I'll bring a bright a** underwater flashlight.





Get a headlamp, then your hands are free to protect yourself from ghosts, clowns and werewolves.


This is the latest model of the one I use. Super bright, rechargeable batteries, waterproof, super reliable, use it not only for anting but camping and late night hiking:


https://www.amazon.c...=headlamp fenix



If you're new to anting and don't want to spend much, anything like this will also work perfectly fine. The point is your hands should be free:




Already have a headlight, not crazy bright but works. I would bring about 3-4 flashlights just in case. I will bookmark your links for later when I have some money. I appreciate the links! :)

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> Ant Keeping Wiki is back up! Currently being migrated from old wiki. :)Looking to adopt out: Crematogaster sp. (Acrobat Ants) colonies

#17 Offline T.C. - Posted February 8 2018 - 10:30 PM


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I'm coming and yeah, umm don't worry. I generally look like this... just don't want you guys to scared. :D

(Clown image deleted, was scaring Reacker)

Edited by T.C., February 8 2018 - 10:34 PM.

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#18 Offline StopSpazzing - Posted February 8 2018 - 11:13 PM


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@KBant going to be warm tomorrow night if you have time: https://www.accuweat.../332023?hour=41Let me know if you are interested, or anyone else for that matter.

> Ant Keeping Wiki is back up! Currently being migrated from old wiki. :)Looking to adopt out: Crematogaster sp. (Acrobat Ants) colonies

#19 Offline dspdrew - Posted February 9 2018 - 12:14 AM

  • LocationSanta Ana, CA

There are really just three things I worry about: Crazy people, mountain lions, and rattle snakes.

From what I hear, you are right to be a little worried at Chaney trail if it's that empty. According to Gordon, a few people have been jacked there in recent years. The few times I've been there, it didn't seem threatening at all; there were plenty of decent looking people around camping and hiking and whatnot.

Rattle snakes are pretty much everywhere around here, so I got some knee-high snake boots that greatly reduce the chance of being bit. As for mountain lions and crazy people, the chances of running into either of them is pretty slim. Having someone with you supposedly helps a lot when it comes to mountain lions. I'm not sure if that would be true for a nutcase though. For both of those I carry a 300 million volt stun gun.

Don't feel too bad. Last year, Drew asked me to accompany him and hold his hands near Angelus Oaks because it was super creepy at night and he was afraid of werewolves (though he won't admit it) .

Haha. Again, mountain lions. Choosing to have another person with you is much smarter than going alone. That trail is in the middle of the forest in the San Bernardino Mountains. There is NO ONE around for miles. It's so dark there, the only thing you can see is right where your flashlight is shining. I really don't want to become dinner.

The desert has some creepy places too. I tend to like being WAY, WAAAY out in the desert better than being closer to "towns" where there are still some houses (shacks.. probably meth labs) around. At least that far in the desert in the summer time is a death sentence unless you have a car. Nobody just hangs out there. So as long as I don't see a car pull up behind mine and stop (which I have had happen before) it's all good. That's always a terrible feeling.

When I was younger, I used to hang around in some pretty crazy places, but as I've gotten older, I think I realize the dangers of some things much more.

What did happen when people pulled up behind you? This thread makes me scared of going anting down in the desert...

Usually it was just someone stopping to look something up or use their phone I'm assuming. One time it was a group of really dumb sounding guys that decided to have a party and get drunk on the side of the road (can't think of a more awesome way to spend the evening). Another time it was a cop, checking to see if I needed help. One time when I was with nurbs and soulsynapse , we even had a guy pull up behind us at 2:00 AM to ask us if we were looking for ghosts. :lol:
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#20 Offline nurbs - Posted February 9 2018 - 12:33 AM


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We even had a guy pull up behind us at 2:00 am to ask us if we were looking for ghosts. :lol:



He didn't just ask. He followed us around for a good hour telling us ghost stories while we were all digging up 'pots. He even gave us his business card. Dude was hardcore. Seriously you meet the strangest people in the desert at night. 

California Ants for Sale


Unidentified Myrmecocystus



Undescribed "Modoc"



Camponotus or Colobopsis yogi:


Camponotus us-ca02


Unidentified Formica


Pencil Case and Test Tube Formicariums
Bloodworm Soup

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: anting, california, queen, hunting

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