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BugFinder's Pogonomyrmex Californicus

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#61 Offline drtrmiller - Posted January 25 2015 - 11:43 AM



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Indeed, storing prepared Formula products in a ziploc baggie is mentioned in the written and video instructions.  


You can reconstitute dried formula products by adding water and boiling again.  It will dissolve completely and then form back to a gel.

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byFormica® is the manufacturer of the iconic nectar feeders and Sunburst Ant Nectar.
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#62 Offline BugFinder - Posted January 25 2015 - 7:11 PM


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I bought a box of small crickets today and killed them by putting them in my freezer.  It only took about 10 minutes in the freezer to kill them and I dropped one into my ants.  It took them several hours to discover it, but it looks like 2 of my 4 workers are starting to break it down and carry it home.

“If an ant carries an object a hundred times its weight, you can carry burdens many times your size.”  ― Matshona Dhliwayo


My Journals:

Pogonomyrmex subdentatus

Camponotus Vicinus

Camponotus sansabeanus

Tetramorium (sp)

Pogonomyrmex Californicus

My Ant Goals!

#63 Offline Foogoo - Posted January 25 2015 - 9:02 PM


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I bought a box of small crickets today and killed them by putting them in my freezer.  It only took about 10 minutes in the freezer to kill them and I dropped one into my ants.  It took them several hours to discover it, but it looks like 2 of my 4 workers are starting to break it down and carry it home.


My Pogonomyrmex haven't touched any insects I've given them. However, I see them in their chamber with brood, so I can only assume they're sneaking bites of Blue that's been in there.


Are you... rearing bed bugs?

Camponotus vicinus, Crematogaster 1, Crematogaster 2, Formica francoeuri, *, *, Myrmecocystus testaceus, Novomessor cockerelli, Pheidole hyatti, Pogonomyrmex californicus, Pogonomyrmex rugosus, Solenopsis invicta

#64 Offline BugFinder - Posted January 25 2015 - 9:04 PM


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My Pogonomyrmex haven't touched any insects I've given them. However, I see them in their chamber with brood, so I can only assume they're sneaking bites of Blue that's been in there.


Are you... rearing bed bugs?


Yes I'm trying to raise a colony of bed bugs, but I've been pretty unsuccessful so far, so I usually end up buying or collecting the ones I need.

“If an ant carries an object a hundred times its weight, you can carry burdens many times your size.”  ― Matshona Dhliwayo


My Journals:

Pogonomyrmex subdentatus

Camponotus Vicinus

Camponotus sansabeanus

Tetramorium (sp)

Pogonomyrmex Californicus

My Ant Goals!

#65 Offline dean_k - Posted January 26 2015 - 3:47 PM


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I don't know if it's been asked but what temp are they usually in as of late?


And a photo or two of the current situation would be nice.

#66 Offline BugFinder - Posted January 26 2015 - 4:07 PM


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They are located in my kitchen above my refrigerator, the warmest place in my home (homes stays quite cold at night, which is why they are up there).  I don't know what the exact average temp is but I would say the range gets no colder than 50 and no warmer than 80 right now.


These were taken yesterday before I put the cricket in.  It looks like they've gotten all the food off the cricket and I'm getting ready to remove what's left of it.





“If an ant carries an object a hundred times its weight, you can carry burdens many times your size.”  ― Matshona Dhliwayo


My Journals:

Pogonomyrmex subdentatus

Camponotus Vicinus

Camponotus sansabeanus

Tetramorium (sp)

Pogonomyrmex Californicus

My Ant Goals!

#67 Offline dean_k - Posted January 26 2015 - 4:10 PM


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I believe temperature plays a huge part in colony growth (Including larvae and pupae growth), so I think you may need to consider a heat cable for their sake. F50 ~ F80 is quite board... It's toward F80, it's okay but if it's middle, you need more heat for your ants.


P.S. Nice cute sprout :)

Edited by dean_k, January 26 2015 - 4:11 PM.

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#68 Offline Gregory2455 - Posted January 26 2015 - 4:27 PM


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I am going to do this with my Pogonomyrmex. I will give them all some seeds right now.

#69 Offline BugFinder - Posted January 26 2015 - 5:56 PM


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They completely consumed that cricket in less than 24 hours.  They've been busy today.

“If an ant carries an object a hundred times its weight, you can carry burdens many times your size.”  ― Matshona Dhliwayo


My Journals:

Pogonomyrmex subdentatus

Camponotus Vicinus

Camponotus sansabeanus

Tetramorium (sp)

Pogonomyrmex Californicus

My Ant Goals!

#70 Offline BugFinder - Posted January 26 2015 - 10:57 PM


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So it looks like my ants are doing better than I thought they were.   I have lost about 6 workers since I brought them home, and am down to 4 left, but today I saw several larvae I wasn't able to see yesterday, and for the first time ever, I think I saw a clutch of eggs.


Todays count:


1 queen

4 workers

1 pupae

4 larvae 

1 clutch of eggs


There may be more larvae out of view.  I think the eggs and larvae at times are hidden under part of the cotton so I wasn't able to see them...  But I've spotted them now.  Drew told me today it should take about 1.5 months from eggs laid to adult so by the end of March the eggs here today should be adults.



Edited by BugFinder, January 26 2015 - 10:59 PM.

“If an ant carries an object a hundred times its weight, you can carry burdens many times your size.”  ― Matshona Dhliwayo


My Journals:

Pogonomyrmex subdentatus

Camponotus Vicinus

Camponotus sansabeanus

Tetramorium (sp)

Pogonomyrmex Californicus

My Ant Goals!

#71 Offline dspdrew - Posted January 27 2015 - 7:11 AM

  • LocationSanta Ana, CA

That's a nice little pile of eggs. It's funny because I can clearly see them in the picture you posted much earlier in the evening.

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#72 Offline Gregory2455 - Posted January 27 2015 - 8:31 AM


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I think this colony will make a comeback.

#73 Offline BugFinder - Posted January 27 2015 - 10:15 PM


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I cannot describe how much I enjoy watching these little ants through my microscope.  I don't think people who do not keep ants, or who are not entomologists would understand it. lol.

“If an ant carries an object a hundred times its weight, you can carry burdens many times your size.”  ― Matshona Dhliwayo


My Journals:

Pogonomyrmex subdentatus

Camponotus Vicinus

Camponotus sansabeanus

Tetramorium (sp)

Pogonomyrmex Californicus

My Ant Goals!

#74 Offline Miles - Posted January 27 2015 - 10:21 PM


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Actually, I find that most people find ants interesting, if given an environment where they feel comfortable admitting it.

#75 Offline dspdrew - Posted January 27 2015 - 10:40 PM

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What kind of microscope do you have? I can spend hours just watching some of my colonies though my microscope. It's a whole different thing watching them when they're magnified like that.

#76 Offline BugFinder - Posted January 27 2015 - 10:42 PM


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It's just a cheap one...  It's a Celestron USB microscope I bought online for work.  It turns out I get much more use out of it taking pictures of my ants than I do using it for work, lol.  It's nothing like that monster scope you have.

Edited by BugFinder, January 27 2015 - 10:42 PM.

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“If an ant carries an object a hundred times its weight, you can carry burdens many times your size.”  ― Matshona Dhliwayo


My Journals:

Pogonomyrmex subdentatus

Camponotus Vicinus

Camponotus sansabeanus

Tetramorium (sp)

Pogonomyrmex Californicus

My Ant Goals!

#77 Offline BugFinder - Posted February 4 2015 - 8:52 PM


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It finally arrived today!!



Looks like they must have out of paint ;)





I guess I really don't care much about how it looks as long as it works good, and I'll find that out soon enough.  It does look like it'll be harder to see and get photos of the brood than it is now.

“If an ant carries an object a hundred times its weight, you can carry burdens many times your size.”  ― Matshona Dhliwayo


My Journals:

Pogonomyrmex subdentatus

Camponotus Vicinus

Camponotus sansabeanus

Tetramorium (sp)

Pogonomyrmex Californicus

My Ant Goals!

#78 Offline dspdrew - Posted February 5 2015 - 12:14 AM

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Did the sand rub off? I tried putting sand on Hydrostone once, and it was nice, but rubbed off really easily.

#79 Offline BugFinder - Posted February 6 2015 - 8:56 PM


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yeah there are a few spots that are kinda naked lol.   It looks like it'll be much harder to see and photograph the brood in there.  That's the only criticism I have for it.  Other than that it looks great.  I can't wait to see how that water tower works out....

Edited by BugFinder, February 6 2015 - 8:57 PM.

“If an ant carries an object a hundred times its weight, you can carry burdens many times your size.”  ― Matshona Dhliwayo


My Journals:

Pogonomyrmex subdentatus

Camponotus Vicinus

Camponotus sansabeanus

Tetramorium (sp)

Pogonomyrmex Californicus

My Ant Goals!

#80 Offline dean_k - Posted February 6 2015 - 9:33 PM


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The water tower, once full, can last over a month easily.


The substrate can rub off fairly easily once it becomes wet enough but I don't really have a problem with it. It doesn't rub off that easily. You have to try picking really hard to get it off.

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