The Formica subsericea had all their workers eclose, and have been living in a mini hearth. The dulotic Formica slowly lost workers and the queen died a few days ago, which was really disappointing. I identified them as probably Formica creightoni, which would explain why they weren't interested in my subsericea cocoons, as a product of exclusively enslaving neogagates group species. It was interesting, though, that she had fusca group workers during founding.
I was also given a small Formica pallidefulva colony a week or two ago, with about 30 workers and two queens. I put them in my fallen fortress and they have laid at least 100 eggs since then, which should be larvae soon. I fed all my colonies egg yolk today and the pallidefulva and subsericea both had some.
Here's some pictures of the Formica pallidefulva, and a video. There's a little less than 10 workers who just carry around batches of eggs like the ones seen below.