Hey guys!
Well I'm sad to say all my ants are dead. You may or may have not noticed its been quite some time since I've posted or been around the forum. Well its because I lost interest in ants. I'm still always thinking about them. I've just been away because I've been dealing with some dire health issues. I'm actually posting this while being in hospital right now. Hopefully I'll be going home in the next few days.
I'm hoping once I'm doing better to try and restart some colonies. For a while I actually had a nice Pogonomyrmex queen going with about 10 workers but she dies when I was away due to illness.
I do still have my termitat and the termites. They seem indestructible as the only care they need is a few drops if water every few weeks. I'll post an update picture of them when I can. I'm sure there's tons of new things and products to browse through on the forums so that will be fun going through all the threads I've missed.
So I just wanted to say "hi" and hopefulling when its queen catching time again here in Central california I'll be able to start some new colonies.