I'm fairly dang sure that this is a queen ant and not a drone, but I'm new to antkeeping -- I feel like I need more experienced eyes.
1. Location of collection: Grand Terrace, CA -- In my pool, about 2 days after a rain
2. Date of collection: Jan 12, 2018
3. Habitat of collection: "Oasis" suburban area, lots of greenery that's surrounded by sandy ground with very little water
4. Length: Roughly 5 to 7mm
5. Color, hue, pattern and texture: Black with green/bronze metallic sheen, legs appear to be covered in a pale fuzz
6. Distinguishing characteristics: Thin, smooth mandibles, eyes appear to wrap around the side of the head
7. Distinguishing behavior: Appears energetic after being dried off. Quickly became aggravated when test tube was handled for pictures -- testing limits of test tube, pushing upper body and "gnawing" into the folds of the paper towel plugging the tube
8. Nest description: N/A
9. Nuptial flight time and date: Exact time unknown, Possibly early afternoon Jan 12
Sorry for the quality of the photos, if more are necessary I'll try to get better lighting/angles (she really didn't want to cooperate with me)

Edited by MadsGH, January 12 2018 - 3:25 PM.