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Omni Nest for Tetramorium immigrans

tetramorium immigrans omni nest

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#1 Offline Reevak - Posted January 6 2018 - 5:13 PM


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This Spring, I plan on moving my Tetramorium immigrans colony into my the Omni Nest I got in 2016. However, I have several worries with this.


For one, when I water the sponges on the side of the nest, if I do it too quickly the water will seep into the nest and then slowly soak back into the sponge after a few seconds. I'm worried about this causing harm to brood near the sponges and so I am thinking of putting sand into the nest near them to soak up excess water before it could potentially cause harm. What do you guys think of this. Also, this is the sand that I would be using.


Secondly, I have been keeping then in test tubes and have been using the outworld that comes with the nest as their foraging area. They have never been able to climb on the acrylic walls. Not once. They have tried but literally just scratch at it and remain on the ground/sand (same one as before). I mention this because the Omni Nest has steps that would lead into the outworld and I am worried about their ability to climb this steps when bringing things in and out (and climbing them in general). What should I do to allow them to climb these steps without problem? Or would it be alright as is (assuming you've kept T. immigrans in an Omni Nest). I don't intend to use the hole on the other side of the nest as opposed to the steps for them to get to the outworld as the tubing doesn't fit as well as I'd like it to.


Lastly, considering the fact that they wouldn't take up all the chambers in the nest until later this year, what should I use to block off the chambers they won't need? I don't want to use cotton because pieces of it get stuck in between the acrylic layers. Any other ideas or should I just settle with cotton?


I appreciate any and all help. Thanks

#2 Offline T.C. - Posted January 6 2018 - 9:38 PM


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#1: Not necessary. My acyrilics do that sometimes to. The ants can kind of go into panic mode, but the larvae being hit with water for a few seconds doesn't hurt them. They would probably just end up moving the sand away anyways.


#2: Get some grout and use a paint brush. Paint a light layer over the "steps."


#3: I have been in the same situation, and although I don't like the cotton, it does work. You could also you cardboard. You can cut it to the perfect size and stick it in there. Not a 100% fool proof idea, but they likely won't try to chew through it if they have enough room. And even if they do, it's not a big deal.

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#3 Offline Will230145 - Posted February 15 2018 - 5:47 PM


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Grout comes in a powder and then you have too add water to it, right?

#4 Offline Reevak - Posted February 15 2018 - 6:30 PM


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Grout comes in a powder and then you have too add water to it, right?



#5 Offline Will230145 - Posted February 15 2018 - 6:36 PM


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I also have an AC Omni nest, should I just do the “steps” or the whole nest? I have Lasius Neoniger.

#6 Offline Ants4fun - Posted March 5 2018 - 9:01 AM


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Not really needed for Lasius neoniger. They can climb acrylic just fine in my experience.

I also have an AC Omni nest, should I just do the “steps” or the whole nest? I have Lasius Neoniger.

#7 Offline Will230145 - Posted March 5 2018 - 11:49 AM


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Ok thanks!!!

#8 Offline Lazarus - Posted March 30 2018 - 2:55 PM


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You can also use some fine sand paper to scruff the surface and they will then be able to climb. An emery board (nail file) could also be used.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: tetramorium immigrans, omni nest

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