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Mesh for Homemade Formicaria

mesh formicaria homemade formicaria 3-d print 3-d printed formicaria materials founding nest founding formicaria question

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#1 Offline Mettcollsuss - Posted January 5 2018 - 6:42 PM


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I recently got a 3-D printer, and have been printing formicaria that I designed. I have several prototype formicaria ready to be tested, except for one part that's still missing. I need mesh to place over the hydration chamber. However, I can't get any until I know what size to get. The holes need to  be big enough to allow moisture to get through, but small enough that ants can't get through. How big should the holes be?

#2 Offline Zeiss - Posted January 5 2018 - 6:48 PM


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From the Materials and equipment purchasing guide, there is a link for mesh that works quite well.  I believe it will also work for what you wish to use it for. 

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#3 Offline Lazarus - Posted January 7 2018 - 7:02 AM


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For some of my projects I found that the mesh that you can cut out from dollar store frying pan grease and oil splatter guards were great.


Since they come in different size mesh densities check out your dollar store selection.
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#4 Offline T.C. - Posted January 7 2018 - 11:33 AM


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For some of my projects I found that the mesh that you can cut out from dollar store frying pan grease and oil splatter guards were great.


Since they come in different size mesh densities check out your dollar store selection.

Haha, me too.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: mesh, formicaria, homemade formicaria, 3-d print, 3-d printed formicaria, materials, founding nest, founding formicaria, question

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