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Termite Nuptial Flight Spotting/Mating Chart

termites nuptial flight reproductives

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#1 Offline Connectimyrmex - Posted January 4 2018 - 12:29 PM


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NOTE: This is sort of a spinoff of Drew's ant mating flight chart. Feel free to submit information on termite flight times and dates.



JANUARY: Coptotermes formosanus (Hawaii),  Coptotermes gestroi (Hawaii), Cryptotermes sp. (Hawaii), Reticulitermes hesperus (Western US)

FEBRUARY: Coptotermes formosanus (Hawaii), Coptotermes gestroi (Hawaii), Cryptotermes sp. (Hawaii)

MARCH: Coptotermes formosanus (Hawaii), Coptotermes gestroi (Hawaii), Cryptotermes sp. (Hawaii)

APRIL: Coptotermes formosanus (Hawaii), Coptotermes gestroi (Hawaii), Cryptotermes sp. (Hawaii), Zootermopsis sp.

MAY: Coptotermes formosanus (Hawaii), Coptotermes gestroi (Hawaii), Cryptotermes sp. (Hawaii), Reticulitermes flavipes (Eastern US), Zootermopsis sp.


JUNE: Coptotermes formosanus (Hawaii), Coptotermes gestroi (Hawaii), Cryptotermes sp. (Hawaii), Reticulitermes flavipes (Eastern US), Zootermopsis sp.

JULY: Incisitermes minor (Southern California), Zootermopsis sp. (Western US)

AUGUST: Incisitermes minor (Southern California), Zootermopsis sp. (Western US)

SEPTEMBER: Incisitermes minor (Southern California), Zootermopsis sp. (Western US)

OCTOBER: Reticulitermes hesperus (Washington)

NOVEMBER: Reticulitermes hesperus (Washington)

DECEMBER: Coptotermes formosanus (Hawaii), Coptotermes gestroi (Hawaii), Reticulitermes hesperus (Western US)


INDOOR OFF-SEASON: Coptotermes gestroi (Hawaii), Cryptotermes sp. (Hawaii), Incisitermes minor (Western US)


YEAR ROUND: Zootermopsis angusticollis (California), Coptotermes gestroi (Hawaii)

Edited by Connectimyrmex, May 8 2018 - 3:57 AM.

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Hawaiiant (Ben)

Keeper of
Miniature Labradoodle
Baby Wolf Spider
Mud Dauber wasp larvae
Ochetellus Glaber
Solenopsis Geminata
Brachymyrmex Obscurior
Cardiocondyla Emeryi
Tetramorium Bicarinatum
Plagiolepis Alluaudi
Anoplolepis Gracilipes
Technomyrmex Difficilis
Pheidole Megacephala
Aholehole fish
Cowrie snail
Sea Fan Worm
100+ sea squirts
Tree seedlings
Ghost Crab
Day Gecko
Small Fat Centipede
Endemic Lacewing larva
Vernal Pool shrimps

#2 Offline Vendayn - Posted January 4 2018 - 9:43 PM


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JulyIncisitermes minor (Southern California)
AugustIncisitermes minor (Southern California) (note: their peak month of flight)

September: Incisitermes minor (Southern California)

#3 Offline Ant Broski - Posted January 4 2018 - 11:16 PM

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What about the northwest ;(

#4 Offline Connectimyrmex - Posted January 5 2018 - 9:06 AM


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JulyIncisitermes minor (Southern California)
AugustIncisitermes minor (Southern California) (note: their peak month of flight)

September: Incisitermes minor (Southern California)

Thanks for the submission :D


What about the northwest ;(

I don't really have any information from there, do you know any termite flight dates from the NW US?

Hawaiiant (Ben)

Keeper of
Miniature Labradoodle
Baby Wolf Spider
Mud Dauber wasp larvae
Ochetellus Glaber
Solenopsis Geminata
Brachymyrmex Obscurior
Cardiocondyla Emeryi
Tetramorium Bicarinatum
Plagiolepis Alluaudi
Anoplolepis Gracilipes
Technomyrmex Difficilis
Pheidole Megacephala
Aholehole fish
Cowrie snail
Sea Fan Worm
100+ sea squirts
Tree seedlings
Ghost Crab
Day Gecko
Small Fat Centipede
Endemic Lacewing larva
Vernal Pool shrimps

#5 Offline VenomousBeast - Posted April 27 2018 - 6:16 AM


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I've got some news about Reticulitermes flavipes in Eastern United States. At least in Northern Virginia, Alates are awaiting to fly (probably tomorrow). Today it just rained and tomorrow is going to be a high of 70 with little to no wind. I also checked a termite colony and thousands of alates are forming and starting to surface. So to those who live in Virginia or in areas near here, get your test tubes ready! 

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1:Pogonomymex occidentalis

4: Tetramorium immigrans

2 Reticulitermes flavipes

#6 Offline Ant Broski - Posted April 27 2018 - 8:55 AM

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JulyIncisitermes minor (Southern California)AugustIncisitermes minor (Southern California) (note: their peak month of flight)
September: Incisitermes minor (Southern California)

Thanks for the submission :D

What about the northwest ;(

I don't really have any information from there, do you know any termite flight dates from the NW US?
I couldn’t find any nuptial flight information, but I know Washington has Zootermopsis angusticollis, Reticulotermes hesperus, and a type of dry wood termite species.

#7 Offline LC3 - Posted April 27 2018 - 1:06 PM


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Washington state has the subterranean termites: Reticulitermes hesperus along the coast and probably the western portion of the state and R. tibialis which is probably found in the east. It wouldn't surprise me if R. flavipes was also found in the east.

In regards to the dampwood termites there are two species: Zootermopsis angusticollis along the coast and Z. nevadensis (ssp nuttingi) being present throughout the entire state.

The drywood termites, Incisitermes minor and Cryptotermes brevis although not native can be easily imported here accidentally. To my knowledge these are the only two drywood species here.

R. hesperus swarms during the winter ( Mainly during October and November till January) down in Southern California, usually after rain. However I think the northern populations including that of the North West fly during the spring and when there is no rain. So around March and April.
R. flavipes flies during the spring to early summer, around April till June.
I'm not sure when R. tibialis flies, I think it might be during late summer around August but I really have no clue.

Z. angusticollis tends to swarm all year, round, as long as it's a very warm and humid evening. However the vast majority of flights occur in August, September and October. (Which I have accumulated around 38 sightings from places online). Likewise they don't seem to swarm during December to March.

The records I can find of Z. nevadensis tends to be way more sporadic and possibly they have been lumped with the more iconic Z. angusticollis. They seem to fly in early summer (April and June) or during the fall around September. The conditions are probably similar to Z. angusticollis in regards for initiating a swarm.

I. minor and C. brevis are not native here, they might not even swarm as a result.

Edited by LC3, April 27 2018 - 2:50 PM.

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#8 Offline CNewton - Posted May 4 2018 - 4:38 AM


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I'd like to hunt termites. According to this website, www.termite.com/termites/termites-new-york.html , My actual town is listed as an area of high risk. Subterranean termites fly in spring? With it being so cool, will it be more late spring to early summer?

#9 Offline Connectimyrmex - Posted May 8 2018 - 3:49 AM


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Reticulitermes flavipes flew the day before yesterday in Connecticut!

Also, thanks for all the info!!


@Newton, termites fly in early-mid spring.

Edited by Connectimyrmex, May 8 2018 - 3:49 AM.

Hawaiiant (Ben)

Keeper of
Miniature Labradoodle
Baby Wolf Spider
Mud Dauber wasp larvae
Ochetellus Glaber
Solenopsis Geminata
Brachymyrmex Obscurior
Cardiocondyla Emeryi
Tetramorium Bicarinatum
Plagiolepis Alluaudi
Anoplolepis Gracilipes
Technomyrmex Difficilis
Pheidole Megacephala
Aholehole fish
Cowrie snail
Sea Fan Worm
100+ sea squirts
Tree seedlings
Ghost Crab
Day Gecko
Small Fat Centipede
Endemic Lacewing larva
Vernal Pool shrimps

#10 Offline Connectimyrmex - Posted May 8 2018 - 3:57 AM


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I edited it a bit.

Hawaiiant (Ben)

Keeper of
Miniature Labradoodle
Baby Wolf Spider
Mud Dauber wasp larvae
Ochetellus Glaber
Solenopsis Geminata
Brachymyrmex Obscurior
Cardiocondyla Emeryi
Tetramorium Bicarinatum
Plagiolepis Alluaudi
Anoplolepis Gracilipes
Technomyrmex Difficilis
Pheidole Megacephala
Aholehole fish
Cowrie snail
Sea Fan Worm
100+ sea squirts
Tree seedlings
Ghost Crab
Day Gecko
Small Fat Centipede
Endemic Lacewing larva
Vernal Pool shrimps

#11 Offline VenomousBeast - Posted April 23 2019 - 8:05 AM


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Species:Reticulitermes flavipes

Location: Fairfax County, Virginia

Date: April 23rd, 2019

Time:9:30 to current posting

Temperature:74 degrees F

Humidity: Low

Wind: 5-7mph

Rain:None for the past few days


1:Pogonomymex occidentalis

4: Tetramorium immigrans

2 Reticulitermes flavipes

#12 Offline ANTdrew - Posted April 23 2019 - 12:02 PM


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Cool! My yard here in Alexandria was full of termite alates Easter Sunday. I assume they might be this species?
"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

#13 Offline LC3 - Posted May 29 2019 - 8:22 PM


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Cool! My yard here in Alexandria was full of termite alates Easter Sunday. I assume they might be this species?

Most likely, depends on the size though

#14 Offline VenomousBeast - Posted May 31 2019 - 9:42 AM


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Species:Reticulitermes flavipes x250ish

Location: Fairfax County, Virginia

Date: May 30th, 2019


Temperature:94 degrees F

Humidity: high

Wind: 6mph

Rain:Just thunderstormed and had a fast downpour.

Edited by VenomousBeast, May 31 2019 - 9:44 AM.


1:Pogonomymex occidentalis

4: Tetramorium immigrans

2 Reticulitermes flavipes

#15 Offline ANTdrew - Posted May 30 2020 - 11:51 AM


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Species:Reticulitermes flavipes x250ish

Location: Fairfax County, Virginia

Date: May 30th, 2019


Temperature:94 degrees F

Humidity: high

Wind: 6mph

Rain:Just thunderstormed and had a fast downpour.

These flew on the exact same date this year! I caught six alates to pair up.
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"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

#16 Offline Nare - Posted May 30 2020 - 11:55 AM


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Had no idea this existed. Too bad nothing flies here...  :(

#17 Offline Antkid12 - Posted May 30 2020 - 2:38 PM


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Species:Reticulitermes flavipes x250ish
Location: Fairfax County, Virginia
Date: May 30th, 2019
Temperature:94 degrees F
Humidity: high
Wind: 6mph
Rain:Just thunderstormed and had a fast downpour.

These flew on the exact same date this year! I caught six alates to pair up.


Yeah me too, caught 9 but fed all of them to my ants, since I already have a pair!

Edited by Antkid12, May 30 2020 - 2:38 PM.

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Ants I have: Tapinoma sessile(2 queen colony). RED MORPH Camponotus neacticus(now has pupae!), Tetramorium immigrans (x3), Aphaenogaster sp, Temnothorax sp, Brachymyrmex sp.   possibly infertile   :(,  Ponera pennsylvanica, and Pheidole morrisi!  :yahoo: 


Other insects: Polistes sp. Queen


Ants I need: Pheidole sp., Trachymyrmex sp., Crematogaster cerasi , Dorymyrmex sp. Most wanted: Pheidole morrisii






#18 Offline ANTdrew - Posted May 30 2020 - 3:31 PM


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I have three pairs now.
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"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

#19 Offline rcbuggy88 - Posted June 1 2020 - 3:11 PM


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@Connectimyrmex are you a Hawaiant or a Connectiant? You have me confused lol

My Shop     :D  :iamsohappy:  :dance3:  :yahoo:

Currently Keeping: Camponotus clarithorax, Camponotus hyatti, Tetramorium immigransNylanderia vividula, Liometopum occidentaleCamponotus modoc, Zootermopsis sp.

Wanted: Acromyrmex versicolor, Myrmecocystus sp., Camponotus us-ca02 (vibrant red not dull orange), Prenolepis imparis, Anything else I don't have lol...

Kept Before: Solenopsis molesta, Prenolepis imparis (still got one, but infertile)

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: termites, nuptial flight, reproductives

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