Scientific Name: Pseudomyrmex pallidus
Common Name: Elongate twig ants, dry twig ants.
Distribution: Southwest, and Southern United States, as well as spread across Central America
Queen size: 3.5-4.5mm
Worker size: 2.8-3.5mm
Natural Habitat: Hollowed out twigs/sticks
Circadian Activity: Diurnal, comes out at night when the colony is larger
Mating Flight: Mate all throughout the summer, similar to argentine ants they mate either in or just outside their nest and return to it after mating. After a while queens will wander off to start new nest with a couple of workers.
Queen Founding Method: Semi-claustral, queens spread from main colony with a group of workers and sometimes brood.
Monogyne or Polygyne: Polygyne, this species accepts hundreds of queens and produces more throughout the summer.
Average time from egg to worker: Egg to Larvae = 3 days; Larvae to pupae = 20-25 days, Pupae to worker = 4 days. Colonies grow slow for the first year and a half.
Recommended Temperature: Keep at 23C during summer and 20C during winter, develops faster without hibernation, which tends to drastically slow production rates.
Recommended Humidity: Appreciates a source of water but keep most of nest relatively dry
Preferred Foods: Dubia Roaches, Fruit, watered down honey
Hibernation Details: No hibernation necessary. The queens still lay's during the winter.
Escape Barrier Methods: Talcum powder, baby powder and isopropanol alcohol, or Fluon/PTFE.
Difficulty rating: Very picky and likes to nest in tight spaces. 6/10, rather difficult to keep
Bite and/or Sting rating: Very painful sting ¾ om the insect sting pain index. Very rare for them to actually sting though.
Special Care or Interesting Notes: Only eats roaches and fruit, does not like most formicariums. Sometimes nests in test tubes. Supply with sticks and/or cotton swabs cut in half for them to nest in. Very little information available online because it has been documented very little. Museum data does not accurately represent distribution.
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Information submitted by AntHUB
Edited by dspdrew, March 5 2022 - 8:24 PM.